Chapter 3

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I wake up in a bed with a cold damp towel folded on my forehead. My body is in more pain than I've ever felt. There's a small silver ring on my finger. It has wings and a yellow gem on it. I've never seen this thing in my life. My memory of what happened before I fell asleep is incredibly foggy. My head is in pain, my body is heavy, and I'm in a room I don't recognize. I force my arm to move. I pull the covers off my body, and sit up. I grab my bag and open it. Looks like Brooke remembered to grab my sketchbook. I open it up and start drawing. I'm not drawing anything in particular. My mind shifts and I realize that I'm drawing an angel dancing with a demon. What the?

"Sam? Are you awake?" Brooke asks.

"Yeah. Do you need something?" I reply. Brooke opens the door and walks in the room.

"Lunch is ready." I put my sketchbook on the desk beside my bed. Brooke helps me out of bed, and I walk out the door. Brooke glances at my sketchbook. She sees the drawing of the angel and demon dancing. "I ship it... I'll kill him, but I ship it." She walks out the door and the two of us have lunch. After that we go for a drive on the motorbike. We dive to the market, and pick out some fresh food. We pay for our food, and shove it into the bags on the sides of the bike. We drive off, but we're not going home.

"Where are we going?!" I have to shout through the helmet and the wind for hr Brooke to hear me.

"I have to pick up some important things!" She replies. We head to some sort of shop. This place looks a little sketchy. The two of us walk inside and Brooke starts casually looking at daggers, guns, throwing knives, and bottles with a clear substance of some sort.

"Brooke? What do you mean by, 'important items?'" I ask.

"Stuff to keep you safe from that fucking demon." She says that last part very angrily. Oh dear. Why do I have a very bad feeling about this?

"Brooke... what are you up to this time?" a male voice asks. I look to see a man behind the counter. He has black hair, smoky eyes, his skin is a little tan, has a bit of a beard, and wearing black with white.

"If you must know, I'm trying to keep this one out of the hands of a demon." Brooke replies.

"Oh god. What have you done?"

"Hey!! For once this wasn't my fault!! She did this to herself!"

"I didn't do shit!!" I shout. They give me a look that says "Oh... sure you didn't." I smack my hand against my forehead. "How am I supposed to summon a demon... WHEN I HAVE NO IDEA HOW?!?!"

"Good point... Brooke." the man says.

"Jasper... shut up. That wasn't me." Brooke says. Jasper sighs.

"Anyway, what can I get you?" Jasper asks.

"Holy water, some daggers, maybe some bullets."

"Brooke! Are you seriously going full out war with this demon?!?!" I demand.

"Well yeah. I mean... what else are you supposed to do when your friend gets stalked by a little shit?" Brooke replies. Jasper takes a brown leather book out of his desk, and hands it to me.

"This will give you all the information you'll need about demons. The book is made from fireproof material. So nothing should happen to it." Jasper says. I smile and take the book.

"Thank you Sir." I reply.

"You can just call me Jasper. I don't really like it when people call me something special. I see you have the ring." Jasper says.

"Yeah, what exactly is the ring?"

"I don't exactly remember. The book should say." We finish up with our normal and strange shopping trip, and head home. Once we get there, we're greeted by police officers.

"Brooke, what did you do?" I ask.

"Nothing... at least not yet." Brooke replies. The officers walk towards us.

"Miss Samatha, we need you to come with us. There are some accusations against your father that we need you to either come deny, or confirm them." one of the officers say.

"Umm. Ok." I reply. I'm taken down to the station and I see my father in handcuffs. Extremely cold chills start running down my back. Unfortunately I don't have my emotional support buddy since Brooke wasn't allowed to come with me, even after extensive begging. I'm taken to a different room and I sit down. I'm in a room with an officer I occasionally see around town.

"So I hear that you've been abused by your father for years, we were wondering if you have anything to say about this?" he asks. Horrible memories come flooding back to me, I try to fight the pain, but it's too much and I start crying.

"He.. killed my.. mother." I manage to say through walls of tears. The officers do their best to comfort me. I remove part of my shirt revealing all the scars, bruises, and fresh cuts on my skin. The two of the men have horrified looks on their faces. One of them touches my bruised rib. Immense pain shoots through my chest.

"Her rib has to be cracked at least." one of the men says. They take me to a hospital and an x-ray is done on my entire body. The results show three fractured bones in my arm, five cracked ribs, an almost broken leg, and it's said I got a concussion at one point in time. Needless to say... I'm not allowed to see my dad ever again. But this means I'm supposed to say in an orphanage. I don't want to stay there.

"Is there any possibility that I could stay with my friend until I can sort out a place to stay?" I ask.

"I'll ask, but that's unlikely." the officer replies. Damn it. I'm taken into an operation to fix all the fractures and cracked bones in my body. I'm put to sleep and the pain disappears.

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