Chapter 70: The Golden Age

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February 21st, 2016

11:30 P.M.


I was so unbelievably frustrated with stupid Michael. We had grown a lot closer over the past few weeks because had been texting like crazy. Well, we were actually using WhatsApp instead of texting because he was halfway across the world on tour, but same thing. Michael and I had had a lot of great conversations and I was really starting to look forward to talking to him every day, so when he started answering less frequently, I got worried that he was getting bored of me. When I had decided to acknowledge the issue, I got a response that I definitely didn't expect.

C: Am I boring you?

M: What? Why would you say that?

C: Idk you're just not answering as much lately

M: Sorry love it's been busy

C: I know same here but why is it suddenly more busy than it was a week ago?

M: Aww are you angry? You're cute when you're angry

C: Stoppp I'm not angry I just miss you

M: Prove it

C: Excuse me?

M: How much do you miss me? Show me

C: Michael what are you trying to ask me to do here

M: Maybe we should take notes from the fake text versions of ourselves and talk more like them😉😘

C: Are you serious?

M: Depends...are you willing?

C: Fuck you

M: Woah woah Camila please I was just joking around

C: Yeah unless I agreed

M: I mean it would be fun but I'm not asking you to do anything you don't want to do

C: So I am boring you? Me without all of that isn't good enough?

M: I never said that

C: You're not really not saying it either

M: Look babe I can't deal with this right now I have to go but just stop being crazy

'Just stop being crazy'. The reassuring words from Michael Clifford. This boy was seriously preying at my insecurities and the sad part was that I still wanted nothing more than his approval. I was actually starting to like him and he was just making everything into a joke. As much as I loved his goofiness, I needed him to be serious too, especially when it came to my feelings.

I took my frustration out in a tweet and was surprised to get an almost immediate response, but it wasn't on Twitter. An iMessage from Lauren popped up at the top of my screen and I clicked it without hesitation.



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