Chap 1: All Love Stories Begin with Murder (Dark)

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[BC]All Love Stories Begin with Murder

Word Count: 813

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight ( Male X Female )

Interest: Mark/Darkiplier

Relationship: Romantic

Type: Slight Angst, Fluff

Summary: Mark is recording when Dark takes over and decides to go on a little 'hunt' all while Mark's girlfriend (You) is thought to not know about the demon and his shenanigans, but is that truly the case?

Warnings: Murder, Death, Darkiplier shenanigans, Fire mentioned

        It was for the most part like any other day for Mark. He was recording a video like usual, when he started to get a really bad headache. The aching in his head began to grow to the point where it felt like his skull was being shattered. Mark, in trying to go get some aspirin, tripped. Outside of his recording room his girlfriend heard a loud thump. She was in the middle of watching a show, concern beginning to etch it's way across her features. She paused her show and slowly stood up walking slowly and cautiously toward Mark's recording room, the origin of the strange noise. Upon entering the room, she found Mark standing in the middle of said room.

"Uh, Mark, honey, are you okay?" She asked, softly making her way toward him.

'Mark' turned around to face is lover, "Of course, my darling." He then lightly pushed pass her, exiting the room. He continued his path till he reached the front door, " I'm going out for a bit, my dear. Don't worry." Said female just stood in his recording room, dumbfounded.

"Oh okay."  She muttered once she was snapped out of her little confused trace, despite knowing he was already gone. She knew what he was doing, and that wasn't Mark. She wandered back toward the living room, picking back up the remote and turning back on her show.

(With 'Mark'(aka Dark))

        He was slowly stalking his current prey, a quiet 23 year old shut in, no family, no friends. A perfect victim. Dark waited in the shadowed alley way, the victim always took this path home from the store. Past the post office, cut across the street, and follow the back alley to their street. Dark waited till they entered the alley before he struck. He moved swiftly and efficiently pinned his prey to the cold concrete ground. He quickly covered the victims mouth, keeping them quiet. Keeping one hand on his prey's mouth, he moved his other to wrap tightly on their neck. He continued to slowly add pressure till they begin to squirm. But with Dark straddling their chest and using his legs to pin their arms and legs, they wouldn't be escaping. Slowly they stopped struggling. Dark let a light smirk ease onto his face as the color slowly drained from his prey's face. Then their eyes began to dull, till they looked akin to the eyes of a doll, their eyes started to drift back in their head as they took their last breath, their throat constricting one final time before they went completely limp.

        Dark stood up slowly, dusting himself off. He then grabbed the now lifeless body and dragged him toward one of the dumpsters hidden in the alley. He hoisted the body up and into the over sized trashcan. He then wiped his hands off on his pants and made his way back to his residence.

(At the house with you)

Mark's girlfriend sat in wait, doing exactly that waiting for Dark inside Mark's body to get back from his 'hunt'. A few seconds later 'Mark' walked through the front door, "I'm back Darling."

"Welcome home, so where'd you go?" She spoke.

"Just for a walk." He replied with practiced ease. He knew he couldn't let her, his  Mark's girlfriend know what he was and that Mark had a murderous demon living in his body.

"Yeah, so who was it this time?" She had been trying to convince herself the whole time he was gone to confront him and his 'issue'.

This question caught Dark off guard, he wasn't expecting this. He thought she didn't know. "It-it was-" He paused, clearing his throat, "It was just a friendless, family-less, shut in."

"Ahh." She hummed, "Does Mark know what you do?"

"No, he doesn't remember anything from when I'm in control." Dark spoke, regaining his calm and composed attitude.

"I'm glad there was a small fire in that alley." She said, casually flicking a small lighter on and off. He hadn't noticed it sitting on the coffee table when he'd come in.

"Did you...?" Dark asked carefully.

"Yes. I don't want you to get caught. I don't want my boyfriend's body in jail." She paused, "And you're not nearly as good at covering it up as you think." She pointed out setting the lighter back on the table. Dark smiled softly before letting Mark have control again.

        Mark woke up laying with his head in his lovely and understanding girlfriend's lap, on the couch. She was mindlessly playing with his wild hair as she watched her show. She looked down at him and smiled when she noticed he was awake. "Did you have a nice nap?" She spoke before she leaned down gave him a quick peck on his lips.

"Really good. " He murmured, "I love you."

"I love you, too."

(A/N: Hey, there. Thanks for reading this and thank you to my friend who requested this. )

The Request:  So Darki Boi takes over Marki Boi so he can go murder people. The thing is, he has to do so without letting Marki Boi's girlfriend, _ ( It can be the reader or something idk ), find out. Darki Boi comes home after killing yet another person to find _ waiting for him. Little did Darki Boi know that __ knew the whole time that it was Darki Boi killing people and taking over Marki Boi's body. __ has been cleaning up after Darki Boi this whole time, and he isn't as clean at killing people as he thinks he is. __ is helping Darki Boi because she didn't want this to affect Marki Boi's reputation, especially since Marki Boi doesn't remember anything about Darki Boi taking over or the murders.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2019 ⏰

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