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Gotham City

April 8th, 2006

10:16 EST

"I'm sorry, Dick." Mr.Wayne said to him.

Dick didn't respond. His eyes were locked on the last remaining coffin as it was slowly lowered into the earth. He knew he should be grateful to Mr.Wayne. After all, he'd covered the cost of the funeral arrangements, let Dick stay with him and his butler in their large mansion, and gotten him to the hospital in time to say goodbye to Uncle Rick before he died.

But it was hard to feel anything but sad at the moment. The only family that he'd ever had was being buried right in front of him. Jack Haly and the other members of the Circus that he'd been born and raised in had come by to check on him, asked him how he was doing, but none of them understood.

He was alone.

If Mr.Wayne was offended by the lack of reaction, he didn't show it. He watched Dick for a moment, before joining him in gazing at the five graves in front of them. At Dick's own request, several workmen began to fill in the graves right then and there, rather than after he'd left.

He wanted to be there as his family was buried.

They worked quickly and efficiently, covering the coffins in dirt, filling in the five neat rectangles that had been excavated into the ground. Mr.Wayne and Alfred stayed with him. They all stood, silent and unmoving, as the burial was completed. It didn't take long.

Dick could have stayed longer. He wanted to, even after it was done, but Alfred stepped forward and took him gently by the hand after several minutes had passed. The butler's hand was warm and comforting, and Dick squeezed it tightly. Alfred smiled down at him.

"Come, Master Dick." He said gently, though there was no disguising the sadness that colored his voice. Alfred gently pulled him away from the graves, leading him back towards the road where the cars had been parked. "There's nothing left for you here."

Dick allowed himself to be led away, even as he cast a backward glance at the graves. Mr.Wayne was following behind them, leaving the graves still and silent. Even though he wanted to stay, Dick knew the old butler was right. Tears began to form in his eyes, but he wiped them away surreptitiously with the sleeve of his coat.

"Mr.Wayne?" Dick asked when he was done, finally looking up. Mr.Wayne quickened his pace so that he stood by Dick's side as they walked.

"Yes, Dick?" He replied. His face and voice were as stern as ever, but his eyes were sympathetic.

"What will... what will happen to me now?"

Mr.Wayne looked down at him, then glanced up at Alfred, before returning his gaze to the boy. "Alfred, would you get the car ready please?"

"Sir." Alfred gave a slight bow. He let go of Dick's hand and moved off ahead towards the car, waiting to take them back to the manor..

Dick found himself missing the gentle warmth of the butler's hand around his own, but before he could lament its absence too much, Mr.Wayne reached down and took the hand that Alfred had left free.

The grip was strong, much stronger than Alfred's had been. It felt like Mr.Wayne could have crushed his hand with the barest of effort, so the gentleness with which he gripped Dick's hand was strangely comforting. Despite the firmness, Mr.Wayne's hand was just as warm as Alfred's had been.

And like Alfred's, it was just as welcome.

He clutched to it tightly as they walked, though their pace slowed as Mr.Wayne spoke. "Before he died, your uncle asked me to take care of you." Mr.Wayne said, watching Dick's face for any reaction. Dick was slightly surprised, but in hindsight, it made sense. Uncle Rick had asked him to stand outside while he spoke to Mr.Wayne. Now he knew what they'd been discussing.

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