Hitting Walls

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"Oh nonsense darling! I'm sure the girls would be happy to preform!" Mettaton struggled to keep the excitment from his voice as he sat in the red leather chair. Toriel grinned at the robot from her seat next to her husband. "Well, if your associates agree to join our existing group, I suppose we could make a deal." Of course, Mettaton knew Frisk and Chara would agree and join the group. The girls needed work, plus they practically became his little sisters in the year he had found them. They wouldn't leave him yet, not through everything the trio had been through already. The goat man held out his powerful paw for Mettaton, who happily sprang to shake it. A snicker escaped Toriel as she failed to hide her smile behind her hand. The woman regained her composure and spun herself around in her chair to grab paper and a thing tipped black pen. She turned back to the desk, and started to write a draft of Mettaton and his co-workers' contract. "Will you contact your associates, or would you like us to?" She asked as she dotted her i's with tiny petals. Toriel and her husband had a strange soft spot for flowers. They had them decorating the empty walls of the office, along with family photos. "I will tell them as soon as possible! Thank you both so much, I'm excited to meet and work with your employees."
The red eyed brunette rubbed the sides of her head trying to ease the growing hangover, Chara groaned as the motel phone began to ring. "What the hell do you want...?" The pained human managed to growl into the phone. "Well hello to you too, Sunshine. Is Frisk there?" Chara looked around the dark room, her sister was sleeping on the couch. The room, as she could see, was littered with alcohol bottles, trash, and reeked of mildew. She told Frisk to clean before Chara fell asleep. A dirty room and a hangover were the perfect ingredients for punishment. "Sleeping, why?" "Well, Chara dear, pack your bags I've scored us a live in gig! I'll be over to pick you girls up tomorrow!" Mettaton squealed happily from the other side of the phone, Chara held the phone away from her aching head. "Woah calm down. Okay, be here by twelve or not at all, now let me sleep!" Chara looked to a alarm clock, 12:23am. Chara decided to get back at the robot for waking her up early, maybe she would punch or kick him as soon as he got here. The older human looked down to Frisk, she slept silently curled into a ball on the dirty brown couch. Mischief filled Chara's mind as she went through her sister's things, she took Frisk's shoes from the doorway, and headed over to her sister. After Chara had finished carefully braiding Frisk's long brown hair into the lace holes of her dirty Converses, she left their room for the hotel bar.


"Ch-?" Weight on Frisk's head stopped her.  She asked herself why her head was heavy, going over her memory of before she went to bed, not remembering anything unusual, the girl reached up to her head. Slowly trailing her dainty fingers through her hair, they met a canvas texture. She carefully rose from the couch, putting her hands on the object tied her head so it wouldn't hang, and headed through a door to the bathroom. With a click of the lights, she was surprised to see a shoe hanging from the back of her head. "Oh boy..." After failing to untangle the knots, Frisk saw no solution other than to cut her hair. She was able to keep her hair somewhat straight. The ends meet about to her chin, and she now had bangs. It was sad to say but, Frisk was going to miss her hair. She liked it  long but short was okay. The girl questioned herself as to why her sister 'pranked' her, though she came to the conclusion by peeking back into the bedroom/everythingroom. The floor was a mess, again. Frisk knew she cleaned up before she went to sleep, so Chara must have gotten up and made another mess. The Golden eyed girl sighed and kneeled down to pick up the empty bottles of booze. Chara had a drinking problem ... gambling, fighting, and anger issues too. But what was frisk supposed to do? They had jobs and stayed in a motel. She couldn't afford to help her sister, not that Chara would want help. Frisk's sister could get a bit aggressive, to say the least.  After the room was clean, Frisk curled up on the soggy green couch and fell asleep.


Around seven am, Frisk was startled awake by harsh banging on the door to their room. Still groggy and grumpy from having to deal with her hair so early in the morning, the girl opened the door. With a yelp from Frisk, whoever was at the door stumbled and toppled onto the small girl. "Hayyy Sibbss." Chara greeted he sister, alcohol evident on her breath. "For God's sake Chara! You scared me!" The drunk girl giggled and booped Frisk. "I made usss many money baby, sold your necklace." Anger took over Frisk as she pushed Chara off of her. "BY the way~ gay robutt guy picking us up 12 o'clock." Without another word Chara passed out, but Frisk sprang to catch her sister. Successfully catching her older sister, Frisk plopped Chara on the bed, and tucked her in. She was going to have a real banger of a hangover when she woke up. Hopefully nothing obnoxiously loud will set her off.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2019 ⏰

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