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Hello everyone, I'm starlightdollie.
Welcome to my little requesting page, where I'll place all the rules, tips, and whatever else for requesting.

-Requests are currently open-

Also, please try to keep all requests on this page, I don't want things scattered everywhere, then everything getting messy, I don't want to ignore someone just cause I didn't see their request due to it being on another page.

Anyways, let me get on with this...

Oneshots will be have a certain marking to show which type of Oneshot it is. You can find the symbol key below, just to show which is which.

Contemporary (regular) | 🌸
Romance (sappy and passionate) | ❤️
Fluff (cute) | 🧸
Angst (sad/emotionally upsetting) | 🥀
Horror (I.E. possession/yandere) | 🔪
Lime (erotica, but lite, not too much detail) | 💧
Smut (erotica) | 🥰

Each symbol will go to their corresponding section, so just pay attention to what symbol is where. Also, two symbols can be together, such as Romantic (❤️) could also have Fluff (🧸) in the chapter as well.

I do have certain rules though, please respect that I have these because I can only do so much.

- No OCs. Apologies, but I can't write OCs, those are too specific, and I want to make this suitable for practically everyone, plus, nobody can write your OC like you do.
- There are very few, but certain characters I won't write for, one of those characters be A, because he is a prick, and I hate him.
- Ah, this rule.... I don't write much on Wattpad, so this boom is literally just here for whenever I feel in the mood to write some x reader stuff.... not my top priority. I'm not here always, so ah... chapters may be slow.
Another note... I do apologise, but reader insert will always be female.

Anyways, I hope you all enjoy, I'll try to update as often as I can.
Thank you in advance for your patience.

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