A Day at Home || Chūya || 🧸

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Chūya x Reader
Fluff  (🧸)
Just a day at home with Chūya, he finally got the day off and he wants to spend time with you.
Also, I feel as though this is rather short, but it's about three in the morning and I wanted to get this chapter up. I'll make Longer chapters in the future. Anyways, I hope you all enjoy.

Warm arms draped around your waist, holding onto you gently, yet firmly, making sure that it was prominent that this wouldn't end anytime soon.

You were currently laying on someone's bare chest, your head resting by his collarbone, legs set on each side of his body so you were strangling him. He was laying on his back, head resting on the arm of the sofa so he could stare down at you, and one of his legs propped up with his knee bent. His eyes were filled with so much content, so much love, he could spend his entire life like this, just staring at the beautiful gift in his arms.

In this moment, he couldn't help but move his head forward a little, pressing his nose into your hair, taking in the lovely scent of your shampoo that you use before kissing your head. "Mm, Chūya, we've been laying like this for hours, I need to get up and stretch." You smiled softly at him, looking into his azure gems. He sighed, clearly not wanting to let go of you, "But (Y/N)," he said in a pleading tone, "you're so warm, and your skin is so soft. I want to hold you like this forever."

A small giggle left your lips as you propped yourself up, sitting on his abdomen now, his arms still secure around your hips. The sun was setting though, practically time to make dinner for the both of you, but if he didn't let go, you wouldn't be able to eat tonight. "It's practically time to start dinner, if you don't let me go right now, you won't be fed tonight, mister.", you made a firm point, crossing your arms to show that you were putting this in a matter-of-fact kind of way, to which his response was an upset sigh.

"I'm fine with not eating, I just want to hold you.", he retorted.

"You hold me every night before we sleep.", you immediately shot back.

If you had learned anything over the past ten years of being in the mafia, with both Chūya and Dazai, it was how to make strong points against the two, especially the shorter one.

"Yes, but that's holding you close so we can sleep, this is normal cuddling, that we don't get to do very much since I'm usually at work."
Fuck. He had a good point there, but you thought of something quick.

"But I haven't eaten all day! I only snacked on a yogurt, but that was when we first woke up, and now I'm really hungry."

Chūya, as stubborn as he was, opened his mouth to say something, but closed, it. He wasn't going to argue because, A) You did seem rather hungry, and he can tell you haven't eaten since you seem more irritable on an empty stomach, and B) He loved you, and wanted to make sure you stayed healthy, even if that meant sacrificing his cuddle time.

With a sigh, he sat up, looking at you without words for a minute before pressing his soft lips to your own. Your lips moved together like a beautifully coredanter dance, but this dance wasn't one of heat, nor passion, but one of love, and sweetness. Your arms moved up so your hands could cup his face during such a moment, you loved holding his face in your hands. Actually, you just loved having him in your arms, in general.

Once pulling away, you both gave quiet, shallow breaths, to regain the air from oxygen deprivation in that time.

"You usually give those kinds of kisses when you want to say 'I love you' but then think that 'I love you' isn't even the start of how you feel..."

A soft chuckle left his left lips, "Oh (Y/N), I really wish I could find the words to tell you how much you mean to me. I love holding you like that because that means you're safe in my arms, not out somewhere getting hurt."

It was your turn to give a soft chuckle, but you proceeded to move his hair from the front of his face, pushing it up and to the side a bit so you could easily rest your forehead against his. "My love, I'm always safe if I have you, I know that as long as you're alive, nobody will bring me harm, because they either respect you too much, or are too scared of what you can do.", you stared into his eyes for a moment of brief silence before continuing, "And, you don't need to tell me how much I mean to you, cause I believe you know that sometimes actions can speak much louder than any words can."

With that, you slid his hands off your waist and moved off the sofa, walking toward the kitchen after patting his head on the way.
'My... what I woman I have,' he thought to himself, beginning to blush, but also bearing a smile that he just couldn't hold in, 'I really am blessed.'

After preparing and eating dinner, both you and the finer managed to find yourselves on the sofa again, but this time he was sitting upright, his arm around your waist as you leaned against his body. Words didn't need to be said, the atmosphere said it all, the comforting aura the filled the room as a movie played for the both of you.

It wasn't too late, dark, but not late. Which was upsetting, because you didn't want to go to bed, and it was only 21:23, too early for your tastes.

"Hon," his voice broke the silence as his head turned to look at you, "I'm kinda tired, and by the looks of it, so are you, want to just go to bed now?", you figured he wasn't really tired, because he did often stay up late and that was normal for him, but you couldn't say no to him this situation because he was using himself as an advantage point over you. Hesitantly, you nodded your head.

In a matter of seconds, the TV was off, and you were being carried in his arms, swept off your feet and brought to your shared bedroom. He set you down on the bed, he didn't want to change or anything, he was already shirtless, and his trousers didn't matter, but while you decided you should change, you also told him that he could at least make himself more comfortable.

Coming back in short and a three-quarter sleeved shirt, you crawled into the bed, where Chūya already sat, trousers now on the floor, him only in his boxers.
Both of you got under the covers, him immediately pushing himself up to your back, his arm wrapped around your waist, and his face resting in the crook of your neck.

You felt safe here, warm, loved, and appreciated.
It made you wonder, how could rough, aggressive, and stubborn man become to loving, caring, and gentle with you. It was best not to question, you trusted him wholeheartedly.

"Goodnight Chūya, I love you, sweet dreams..."

"Goodnight, my love, I love you too, so very much."
And with those words, his hand slid onto your abdomen, staying there to keep you comfortable as you both drifted off to sleep.


Word count: 1222

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2019 ⏰

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