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Dear Freckles,

Today was different. You read the rest of my notes, and you liked them, I guess, otherwise you wouldn't be reading this over my shoulder. I can't really be poetic right now, so here's a quote.

"When this is all over, we'll be a proper family."

Ten points to whatever Hogwarts House you're in if you can guess who said that.



I hand Freckles the note and she scans over it, nodding occasionally. Her hazel eyes meet my own brown ones and she says, "I have four things to say. Number one: You got that quote wrong, but number two, you were attempting to quote Sirius Black. Number three: The note was sweet, and number four; I'm a Ravenclaw." I pull out my notebook and flip to an empty page. On the first line, I write 'Ravenclaw' and underneath that, two full sets of tallies. Skipping to the halfway mark, I write 'Hufflepuff'. "What are you doing?" she asks. "Well, let's make this into a competition," I pause to take a sip of Coke, "every time a teacher calls on us and we get the correct answer, we can write five marks under our section. If a person compliments us first, that's one point. And at the end of the..." I try to think of a good time frame. "Week?" Freckles suggests. "Okay, a week," I reply, "at the end of a week, so next Wednesday, whoever has the most points wins." I offer my hand, and she reachs out and shakes it. "By the way," she smirks, "I'm going to win."

A/N: My editor didn't edit this one so..

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