1.2 - Eyes like ice

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The moment Chu Chen heard the beat of the drums, conflicting feelings arose in his heart. His father had finally returned after years at war, bringing an end to the fragile power balance that existed within the clan. A storm would soon arise.

As if acting on instinct, Chu Chen stopped his drills and bowed in his uncle's direction, before quickly moving to leave the courtyard. Upon reaching the edge, a gruff voice called out behind him, "don't forget to change your clothes lad, you wouldn't want to make a bad impression".

While it might not mean much to others, the reminder from his uncle served to calm his thoughts. With a purposeful stride, Chu Chen made his way to his family's residence, as he grew closer to his destination, the clamour of the arriving army seemed to become louder with every passing moment.

When he eventually reached his room, Chu Chen quickly and methodically stripped out of his training gear, replacing it with a flowing crimson robe.
While his uncle's words had helped, he still felt nervous at the prospect of re-uniting with his father after so long, a man whose shoes he would never be able to fill.

Realising that he was probably going to be late, he hurriedly finished his preparations, and rushed off in the direction of the great hall.
Entering the hall through a side passageway, he made his way to his mother's side, just managing to find his seat before the hall's gigantic doors burst open.

Then he walked in...
causing a hush to fall over the crowd, their chattering silenced by the appearance of this ferocious man. Encased in a set of crimson armour, overlaid with gold trim, that accentuated his strong, tall figure. Chu Dishi's looked exactly as the many rumors surrounding him described, a living legend.
Marching further into the hall, the heroic aura that surrounded Chu Dishi seemed to grow stronger with every step, until he finally stopped in front of the matriarch's throne, where he paused, seemingly waiting for her to speak first.

As Chu Chen craned his neck for a closer look, he noticed several new scars on his father's face, but what stood out to him the most were his father's eyes.

Eyes that were as cold and hard as ice...

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