- On the Move -

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Alf breathed deeply, basking in the afternoon sun as their small group traversed through the streets of Glandledale. It doesn't look the same anymore; he thought as he looked around. The once grand and unique structures populating the city now bore the scars of their encounter with Vackzilian and his blood oaths. Buildings lay smashed into one another. Soot littered the broken up walkways, and uprooted trees and random pieces of leaves lay haphazardly scattered about. Despite the damage, the roads overflowed with people, and groups had formed to start cleaning up the mess.

He shook his head as he watched from the back alleys, wondering how long it would take to repair all of it. Alf wished they could stay and help, but they had to get out of this city as soon as possible and make their way to the next location. Peoples' lives depended on it.

"There she is!!" a high-pitched voice yelled, and Alf moaned. Not again.

They had initially tried to head straight to the eastern tunnel he and Olivia had dug hours ago but to no avail. With Zaphaniea, a.k.a 'The Savior of Glandledale,' tagging along, her fans had endlessly mobbed them as they begged for her autograph. Which meant Alf and the others were now sneaking along the back alleys to avoid the crowds of adoring groupies professing their undying love for their grand champion, or as Olivia put it, the swarming, swooning, ingratiated, love-struck loonies.

Alf grinned. Though Livy tried to hide it, he could tell she was slightly annoyed by Zaphaniea's fan following and her flirtatious responses.

"I found you at last!" the same squeaky voice shouted again as a scrawny young man came dashing at them full speed. Jumping over broken wagons and pieces of random trash, he declared, "Grand champion!! Don't go! I have to tell you something!! I LOVE YO-"


The colorfully clad lad smacked straight into a blue shield, his lips plastered against its glowing surface.

"Hey. That's not very nice," Zaphaniea looked down from her floating pink perch at the serious-faced boy standing at the front of the group.

"We have no more time for this nonsense," Drake growled. "If you wish to hear more ridiculous declarations of undying love, you will have to do it on your own time. We have business to attend to."

"Party pooper," the grand champion cooed. Turning towards her fan still plastered to the magic shield, she brought her fingertips to her lips and blew him a kiss.

With an audible sigh, the man swooned and fainted to the side.

"Enough of this," Drake stated and started marching briskly forward.

The shortest maid leaned over and whispered to no one in particular, "I think he's just jealous."

With those words, the rest of the group followed, and Alf chuckled. Traveling with Zaphaniea was bound to be interesting.

Glancing out of the corner of his eye, he watched Olivia study the spellbook Mr. Havanger had given them earlier. Filled with shield spells and unique modifications, the book seemed like an alien language to him, but to her, it was a living, breathing entity.

Finally, they arrived at the eastern tunnel, and Alf stepped forward to greet the fifteen or so guards guarding the exit.

"Good afternoon," Alf said, his muscular arms brushing against the leather breastplate Mr. Havanger had given him.

The head guard stared at Alf suspiciously for a moment. Then his eyes spotted Zaphaniea floating lazily in the air behind Alf, and the newly healed left side of his face curled into a smile. "Ah, the grand champion and her entourage," he said, rubbing the fresh pink skin. "The arena master said you would be leaving our fair town. I understand you need to help others, especially with a villain like Vackzilian on the loose, but we will dearly miss you," the fellow stated, taking his helmet off and placing it over his heart.

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