- Drake's Hometown -

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Zaphaniea dashed past Drake and into the other tunnel in an effort to get away from the crazed healer.

"Where are you going?" Olivia called after her as Alf came to a stop.

"I'm going to scout ahead," she shouted back as she disappeared around the corner.

"That's not a good idea," Drake said, running after the champion. His feet pounded on the softer ground and the scent of moist soil tickled his nose. "There is no way of knowing whether Vackzilian has been here, and the elite guard doesn't know you. They will attack you on sight," he called after her.

The prince followed Zaphaniea through several turns of the half-finished escape tunnels until she arrived at a rusty ladder leading to an access hatch to the world above. "Don't worry," she told him as he caught up. "I'm only going to look into the future. I'm not actually going up there by myself."

"Ah," he said, watching the grand champion close her eyes.

After a few moments, she opened them again; her eyebrows scrunched together, and her lips pursed in a half frowned. "What did you see?" he asked, fearing the worst.

"Nothing," she said reaching out and touching the set of iron rungs leading up to the hatch.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"I mean there is nothing there," she said shrugging her shoulders. "Just a weird circular room with a door to the outside and then a bunch of really tall trees. But nothing else."

"Ah," he said, realizing where the hatch led to. "You have to go up the wooden staircase."

"You mean the rickety stairs that look like they go up forever?" the grand champion said curling her upper lip in distaste.

"Yes, they live in the trees," the prince said and motioned upwards. "Look again."

Zaphaniea sighed and closed her eyes.

This time, several minutes ticked by, and Alf and the others came strolling down the old, dilapidated tunnel.

"What's going on?" Pony asked as they walked towards them.

"Shhh," Drake hissed and pointed at the champion.

Zaphaniea's eyes opened at last, and she leaned over, breathing heavily.

"Well?" Drakovian asked as he watched her heave.

"A bunch... of empty... tree houses... That's all there is," she gasped.

Fear swelled in Drake's heart; it was as his instincts had told him. Vackzilian had... No! he thought, cutting the emotions off. "Are you certain?" he asked, his voice tinged with a hint of panic, despite his best efforts.

"I... don't know," Zaphaniea puttered, still trying to get her breath back. "There may be somebody on the other side of town, but it's too far away for me to look."

"I see," he answered. That meant there was only one real way to know and that was to risk an expedition. "Alf, if you would," he said, waving at the hatch. His brain screamed at him, telling him this was foolish and that they needed to turn around and head back the way they'd come—that Vackzilian or his minions could be up there. But he had to be sure.

Without a word, the young High Lord nodded, and stepping forward, he climbed up the few short rungs and forced open the hatch.

As the metal portal swung open, the familiar smell of wood and tree sap assaulted Drakovian's senses, threatening to bring with them a flood of childhood memories. He pushed them aside with brute force and led the way up the iron ladder and through the hole. Leaving the tunnels behind, the group emerged into a large, cylinder-like room with rough wooden floors and a winding, wooden staircase carved into the walls that spiraled ever upwards.

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