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Note: If you see any links in my story, click it! It'll open an image of Tengwar writing which I use to interpret the Darnassian language! I use links because Wattpad doesn't like putting in those images for me :(
Pewarathea walked through the town of Auberdine, greeted by a few of the locals. The harsh wind wept her dark blue and long hair from side to side. It was winter yet it certainly seemed unusual for such a strong wind to be present in Darkshore. Her long elven ears were tinged with red from the rash of cold. As she continued to walk through the town, multiple conversations passed through to her ear

"Dear, the height of the waves today is certainly worrying." She's heard that just a few times today already, as she passed by a group of idle fishermen, one grabbed her by the arm and asked

"Pewarathea, dear tenth Moonwing and good druid, do you happen to know what's happening, it's been far too dangerous for any of us to leave for fish out in the sea, this never happens." She shook her head

"I'm afraid not, I am currently investigating this, however so far I've not had any luck, I'm sorry. And please, drop the formalities, just call me Pew." The fisherman lowered his head

"Of course, do take care." Pew nodded and with a faint smile departed. The fisherman sat back down with his colleagues and one of them commented

"That's a tenth for you, willing to help her town out of sheer kindness." To which another added

"Just like Tringathen." Another partially disagreed

"Pew's grandfather was a tenth too, but Pew radiates with such purity! Soon she'll outdo him, Tringathen was a fierce but local defender, the girl knows that the threat has to be taken out before it spreads. She aims higher, I mean she's already with the Defenders of Azeroth!" The former scoffed

"Defenders of Azeroth, pff! With such skill, I think the Moonwing should be involved in war more!" A nearby human guard got involved in the conversation, jokingly mocking them

"Well lads, I think maybe you lot should be joining the war efforts. The Hordes are certainly not swimming in the water, waiting to be caught!" All of them laughed loud, which made Pew glance one final time at the group before entering the forest. It made Pew somewhat happy to be admired by the simple folk, yet still, It seems to worry her, all that responsibility that's dropping on her, being practically the image of the house, everyone looking up to her and her choices. Who to fight for, who to fight alongside. She shook off her thoughts, it's certainly not helping her focus on the investigation.

She sat on a tree stump, the thin layer of snow not a bother to her. She breathed easy, placed her palms on the stump and channelled a little bit of her magic. The energies from the earth had not held any response that may be of any use to her. She wiped her face with her hand in disappointment. She couldn't do much with her magic during winter, so she headed to the shore. Kneeled at the water, held one of her hands in the ice cold sea, the magic weaving through water. The sea was disturbed, that she already knew. With no answers on why, she stood up. Lastly, she magically requested a wild bird to her, a magpie perched on her shoulder, she listened to what it had to say. Although still no real answers, the avian had felt natural fear. She gave a piece of bread to the bird and a comforting pet before dismissing it. That stirred Pew, but still much more confused. Unfortunately, there wasn't much she could do. Pew decided to head home and eat something, perhaps that'll help her thinking.

She came to the empty house and grabbed a snack. Everyone was away. her parents away in Darnassus for the Winter market. Her brother Davi, been gone for a good 15 years if not more, busy in his mage studies within Dalaran. It bothered her staying inside on her own. So she took her food and left. Pew wandered to the docks, sat and overlooked the sea and all the stationed boats. She certainly wasn't feeling quite like herself, an emptiness eating away at her while she enjoyed her own food. This weird situation too, it made her more uneasy.

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