7.The Solar Royals Explain

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Not so long ago...

*Celestia and Solaris' wounds are being tended by Kibitz and Chaffer while Celestia and Solaris have bandages covering their cutie marks, sides, and left eyes and everyone is looking in concern and worry*

Luna/Artemis- *concerned* Brother, Sister, how are feeling?

Celestia/Solaris- *admits* We're fine. Thank you everypony.

Rarity- *concerned* You two look rather peckish...

Elusive- *concerned* And your manes are a bit of a mess...

Twilight/Dusk- *deeply worried* Princess Celestia, Prince Solaris, can we get you two anything? Tea? Cold compasses?

Pinkie/Bubble- *rolls out some cake* *smiles* Cake?!

Applejack/AJ- *to Rainbow and Blitz* Where do they get these?

Rainbow/Blitz- *admits* We've stopped asking.

Celestia: *sincerely* Like we said, we're fine.

Artemis- *eye twitches angrily as he glares at them* Fine?! You two tumble out of a magical mirror into a lifeless heap and you two are fine! It's been a week since you two left without telling anypony anything! Where have you two been? What happened?!

Luna: *glares at Celestia and Solaris*

*the others look at Celestia and Solaris*

Celestia- *sighs* We were in another world. We were attacked.

Fluttershy- *worried* We saw King Sombra and Queen Oscura in the mirror!

Butterscotch- *concerned* Are they the one's who attacked you two?

Luna/Artemis- *sternly glaring at Celestia and Solaris*

Celestia/Solaris- *shocked* What? No! Of course they didn't! *they see the others look at them with arched brows* They'd never...*ears flatten*

Applejack- *arches eyebrow* Uh, your highness'?

AJ- *arches eyebrow* They'd never what?

Blitz- *glares* Of course they would, they're villains!

Solaris- *to them* No, they're not...not where we were.

Twilight/Dusk- *concerned* Your highness' what is going on?!

Luna/Artemis- *still glaring* We'd like to know that ourselves.

Celestia- *explains* You're all awards of the mirror that leads to the world where Sunset Shimmer and Sunset Glare has made their home?

Spike/Barbra- *unamused* We were dogs there....it was awkward.

Solaris- *explains* The mirror that we poured out of earlier is a very different mirror. A prototype, if you will. It leads to another world.

Celestia- *admits* We were... visiting...one of those worlds. A world so like our own, but so different. Sombra and Oscura are the King and Queen of that Equestria, and there they are kind and wonderful rulers of their ponies.

Solaris- *concerned* Something happened that is too closely binding our worlds together. Their fight against evil is beginning to encroach on our world...on us.

Luna- *admits with a serious glare* Artemis and I will go into this other world and take on this enemy.

Spike- *agrees* Yeah, let them have the adventure.

Barbra- *agrees* We can all go home!

Twilight/Dusk- *glares at them*

Celestia- *to them* No. Luna, Artemis, Solaris and I cannot be involved in this.

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