2.The Secret Caverns

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*in the hallway*

Luna- *explains* Many years ago, our magical counsel and mentor Starswirl The Bearded, used to be fascinated by that mirror. We don't know much about that time and any recorded information seems to missing from the library.

Artemis- *solemn* We've been through every scrap of paper that Star Swirl ever touched in our libraries and nothing has come up...but we know that those three have a history of studying that mirror. There must be something about it left in one of his original libraries.

Twilight/Dusk- *excited* Star Swirl's library?!

Applejack- *arches eyebrow* Star Swirl has been gone for hundreds of years. How could he still have a library in the castle?

AJ- *admits* Particularly one that Twilight and Dusk don't know about?

Bubble- *admits* You'd think somepony would've converted it to a craft room or home gym by now.

Pinkie- *nods*

*as they continue walking*

Luna- *to them* Star Swirl's magical study wasn't in the castle itself. It was deep inside the mountain that Canterlot is built upon.

Artemis- *nods* The cave system to get to it is complicated to navigate. It was built by Star Swirl himself and he didn't believe in plebeians being able to find their way.

Twilight- *looks at them* So you two explored the caverns?

Dusk- *to them* What's the library like?

Luna/Artemis- *annoyed* We haven't found it yet. *rolls eyes* We're apparently two of those "plebeians"...

Pinkie- *smiles* Us too! Rarity and Elusive call us that all the time!

Rarity- *grins nervously* ...as a term of endearment, Pinkie and Bubble.

Elusive- *admits to Applejack and AJ* One of these adventures, we'd love to go to a tropical island instead of into a mountain.

AJ- *smiles* Oh come on, Elusive.  Where's your sense of adventure?

Rarity- *to him* I'll answer that. It's in the comfort of a day spa and a hooficure, thank you very much.

Elusive- *nods*

Luna- *to Twilight and Dusk* If anypony can understand and navigate these corridors, it's you Twilight Sparkle and Dusk Shine. Celestia and Solaris speaks highly of your intellects.

Artemis- *to them* They often compare both of you to Star Swirl himself...perhaps you two can channel that parallel on this conquest.

Twilight/Dusk- *shocked* Princess Celestia and Prince Solaris compares us to...Star Swirl? That's unbelievable.

Luna- *admits* Personally, I think you two were more like Celestia and Solaris when they were younger.

Artemis- *nods with a calm smile* They were heavily into their magical studies...

Luna- *serious* Now be off. Find what you can. We need to locate our brother and sister...I feel an unknown darkness already pressing upon the kingdom without their presence.

Butterscotch- *concerned* Your highness's aren't you two coming with us?

Luna- *serious* We cannot. Me and Artemis must stay here to see both our royal duties, though we fear we cannot keep their disappearance a secret for much longer.

Twilight- *to Spike and Barbra* Spike, Barbra, we want you two to stay behind with Princess Luna and Prince Artemis.

Dusk- *smiles calmly to them* If something happens that we need to know about you two can come to get word for us, okay?

Spike/Barbra- *sighs* Missing out on the adventure...again...

Luna- *lifts Spike on her back* *smiles* Nonsense, dragon younglings...you two may be our adoring companions as we await their return!

Artemis- *smiles with Barbra on his back* Come you may start by fetching us a refreshment of hot cocoa with marshmallow bits.

Spike/Barbra- *happily* Yay!

*as the four are walking out*

Luna/Artemis- *to them* Best of luck! We have faith you will triumph!

Twilight/Dusk- *waves* We won't let you down, your highness's!

Spike/Barbra- *happily* Bring us back something nice.

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