Christmas Kisses

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POV: Holmes

Striding over to the calendar that hung on my wall, I check the date. Just as I feared, it's less then a week from Christmas, such a pointless holiday full of insincere curtsies.

"Sherlock?" A familiar voice asks, "I'm going out."

Giving a curt nod to my flatmate, I go back to the cases. For some reason I couldn't focus, this case should have been so simple, it should have only taken several minutes to solve it. Sighing, I read over the evidence again, for the fourth time. I can't process the information and piece it together today. 

After my thoughts start wandering again, I give up. Putting the file down, I get up and stretch. I walk over to the piece that John was learning on the violin, yesterday I was editing and adding some parts to the piece to make it sound better; it was too plain and repetitive for my taste. I like adding personal touches to music, it becomes more intimate when I play it.

I play the new and improved piece on the violin, closing my eyes, I savor the rich music that floods the empty room. This piece is much better now, it is both melancholy and joyous. The parts blend together with perfect harmony.

I complete the piece and make a few new changes. I put the violin down with satisfaction, the remodeled version is perfect.

Drumming my fingers against the music stand, I suddenly feel very bored. John went to the mall to shop for presents, and I can't focus on any cases. Groaning at the frustration of having nothing to do, I plop down on the couch.

My thoughts wander to Magnussen, and I frown. Remembering that I still technically committed murder, and the government will not let that slide. I hadn't told John this, but after Moriarty is taken care of, I will have to be punished. I may have to be exiled again, leading to my death. Or I may go to prison for a long time. Sighing, I run my fingers through my hair.

Panicking at the idea of leaving John again, I stop my train of thought and focus again on curing my boredom. I suppose I could use the nicotine patches, but John had found my secret supply and taken it.

I smile at this thought. At least he's feeling well enough now to hide my nicotine patches again. He is still hurting from the death of Mary and his unborn daughter. But, I can tell John is cheering up. He is going to his job again and visiting Mike. He's recovering faster than I thought he would be; it's only been four months.

Suddenly, I remember that we're having a small Christmas party in our flat. He's inviting all of our friends, including Harry. I promised John that I'd get some Christmas décor. Already so bored, I jump up willingly and grab my coat.


Arriving at the store, I see a salesgirl. Going up to her, I ask her where the Christmas decorations were. Without looking up, she tiredly points at the north-west end of the store. Thanking her, I start walking away when I hear an excited voice.

"Wait, you're Sherlock Holmes!"

Groaning internally, I turn around and face her. I had forgotten that I am practically a celebrity. Flashing her a tense smile, I respond with a nod.

She's an average woman of average height, in her twenties and not all that interesting. I don't bother deducing her any further. I have more important things to get to.

Walking up to me, she looks up and smiles.

"What are you doing here, Mr. Holmes," she asks, her voice turning suddenly coy. This makes me extremely uncomfortable. 

I want to sprint away. I have a particular distaste for the fans that fancy me. From the way she looks and the way she's looking up at me through her lashes, it's clear that she isn't interested in me for my deductions.

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