Don't Leave

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POV: Holmes

When I look into your eyes

It's like watching the night sky

Or a beautiful sunrise

Well, there's so much they hold

And just like them old stars

I see that you've come so far

To be right where you are

How old is your soul?

Well, I won't give up on us

Even if the skies get rough

I'm giving you all my love

I'm still looking up

And when you're needing your space

To do some navigating

I'll be here patiently waiting

To see what you find

'Cause even the stars they burn

Some even fall to the earth

We've got a lot to learn

They know we're worth it

No, I won't give up


Strumming the last few notes on my guitar, I draw out the last note and it lingers in the air, leaving the empty flat echoing with melancholy. Blinking, I set down the guitar with a silent sigh.

"That was amazing Sherlock." A warm voice congratulates behind me, and I rapidly recompose my features before jerking around. How did I not notice him walking in?

"Thank you." I quietly respond, biting my tongue to stop other words from tumbling out.

"I didn't know you played guitar?" John smiles genuinely, his face slightly flushed, most likely fatigue. I eye the groceries in his hands, he must have walked over from Tesco's.

"I didn't, this morning Mycroft sent it over as a sort of apology from the.... " I trail off, "though he should have apologized to you, it had nothing to do with me."

John clears his throat, a sign he has no intention to discuss this right now. Yesterday had been a shock to both of us, and I suppose I was expecting something to come up to disrupt the peace, I wasn't expecting anything of this sort.

"How long did it take you to learn that?" John switches the topic while walking over to the kitchen to put the groceries away.

"Not long, the guitar is quite similar in structure to the violin, and the song only requires knowledge of basic chords." I walk back over to the guitar, strumming the song again to show the simplicity of it. "I'm not used to singing though, so it took a few minutes to coordinate my voice with the instrument."

John chuckles lightly, and I frown, nothing about that was funny.

"You continue to amaze me, Sherlock. Of course even with something so mundane like the guitar you can master."

A small grin makes its way across my face, and it quickly disappears when I remember I have to be more somber.

"So," John continues chatting, opening the fridge. "What's the name of that song?"

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