Chapter 2

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Kurt didn't want to leave the couch. The next morning came around before he knew it and felt a wave of depression hit him. It was fear too, of Courtney, but lots of things came crashing down on him at once, and he felt sick and sad because of it.

Dave wasn't next to him, instead he saw him sitting at the table eating breakfast with Krist. Courtney was probably getting ready for the day, and Kurt decided to do the same too.

"Hey, morning Kurt," Krist looked up from his cereal and shot the lead singer a smile.

Kurt forced a smile back for the bassist and even shot one to Dave. He wasn't in the mood for anything today.

"You alright Kurt?" Dave asked, concern flooding his eyes. Kurt nodded slowly, beginning to make him way upstairs without eating anything.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He lied. It was normal of Kurt to get this way, but lately it's been happening a lot. He went to his and Courtney's bedroom and walked in on her just packing her guitar and some other stuff; like cables and some pedals.

"Morning babe," The blonde girl said, giving Kurt a kiss on the cheek before going back to packing her belongings, "I'm going to be out like all day... Okay?"

"Okay." Kurt made his way to the closet and got some clothes, then went to the bathroom to get changed and to brush his teeth.

Kurt changed out of his pajamas which were sweats and an old t-shirt and was just in his underwear. He glanced at his body in the mirror and had to instantly look away; he hated his reflection, he didn't like himself, he didn't like his body, he didn't like anything.

He got dressed into some jeans and a long-sleeved shirt and put some sneakers on. He brushed his blond hair because it was looking rather messy. He brushed his teeth and left the bathroom, taking a seat on the bed and noticing Courtney wasn't there. Kurt guessed she went to put her guitars and equipment in the car.

The guitarist sighed and didn't know what to do. He didn't feel up for doing much, so he turned on the TV and tried to keep his mind off his thoughts. He felt unhappy, something didn't feel right; there was something in his heart that wasn't clicking and Kurt didn't know what it was.

Courtney didn't even bother saying goodbye. This saddened Kurt a bit, but didn't let it bother him. From downstairs he could still hear his band mates' voices, having some chatty conversation.

They didn't have another concert till tomorrow, and Kurt didn't know what to do for the day. Probably just lock himself in his room and write some lyrics- yeah, that sounded about right.

He reached out for the pack of cigarettes that were on the nightstand and he got out a cigarette. He got his lighter and lit up the cigarette, taking a long puff in and then letting the smoke escape out. He tilted his head back and relaxed it against the pillow, staring up at the ceiling for a few minutes before getting his notebook and beginning to write down some ideas for lyrics.

I will never bother you
I will never promise to
I will never follow you
I will never bother you

Never will speak a word again
I will crawl away from here...

Kurt didn't know where these lyrics were going or what they meant. All he knew was that it meant something to him. Maybe after he finishes writing these lyrics he'll write a guitar part for it.

A knock was at his door suddenly, Kurt lazily got up from the bed to open it and saw Dave standing there.

"Hey Kurt, just was going to say bye," He explained, "Krist is waiting in the car already. Maybe you can come by later? I know Courtney's going to be gone all day so it'll be fine if you decide to come over."

"Oh, bye Dave," Kurt gave Dave a quick but warm hug and then gazed into his eyes, "Later sounds good. I'll call you later and let you know for sure." He responded, feeling lies slip out of his tongue; he sure didn't feel like hanging out.

"Okay, great," Dave blushed lightly and pulled away from the hug, "See you later."

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