Chapter 20

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The principal was very understanding and told me I was welcome to come back in the future if I ever decided to. Mama was upset that I didn't tell her how bad things had gotten, but I told her I didn't want to worry anyone. She agreed that I should stay with Brantley. When I called my parents to tell them, they were not happy. My mom lectured me about how I worked so hard in college to become a teacher and that I shouldn't let this man stop me. I tried to tell her that my life and Brantley's, were being threatened. She played it off because she thinks I'm giving up my career for a man. I got pissed at her and yelled, "I can always get a new teaching job, but if I'm dead, I'm fucking dead," then hung up the phone.

The ride up to North Carolina was about seven hours. The time went by so slow because I was so anxious to see my man. I felt like the closer I got to Brantley, the more content I felt. There was a weight lifted off of my shoulders. My man would handle business. I know if that lunatic decided to follow me up here, Brantley would kill him, and wouldn't regret it for a second. Mama was much more understanding then my own parents. She tried to console me when I called her crying. She told me that they would see reason sooner or later and she would try to plead my case for me. I think mama was just glad I was gonna go practice making babies with Brantley.

I call Brantley to tell him that I'm pulling up to the stadium so he can meet me. I see him running towards the truck and I throw it in park. I jump out and run full speed into his arms. I wrap my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. I'm so relieved to be in his arms that I break down crying. He's holding onto me for dear life. "It's okay, baby girl. I'm gonna take care of you now. He's not gonna touch my family. I love you so much," he whispers in my ear. I think he can tell that I'm not about to let go of him anytime soon so he whistles for the dogs and walks me onto his tour bus. We separate long enough for me to use the bathroom and get changed. We end up in bed facing each other with our arms wrapped around each other.

"Baby girl, why didn't you tell me how bad it had gotten?" he questions me quietly. "I didn't want to put more stress on you, baby. And I didn't want you to do something stupid like cancel the tour. I couldn't be the reason for that." I whisper back. "I told you, baby girl. You are my number one priority. You are my family and my future." he tells me seriously. "I'm sorry. I won't keep these things from you anymore. I thought I was doing the right thing, but you deserve to know when something is happening in my life. I know that my life affects yours and vice versa. Now let's go get some dinner," I tell him with a smile before giving him a kiss and jumping out of bed.

BG doesn't have a concert tonight since they just arrived today. That means that I get my man to myself tonight. What he doesn't know is that I've packed some presents for him. I think he's going to enjoy them. After Brantley tells me that it's just him and I tonight and that he was going to lock the bus door, I grabbed some things out of my suitcase and locked myself in the bathroom. I think he was expecting me to jump him right then and there.

I went straight into the bedroom and posed on the bed. I knew Brantley would get curious and come look for me. Not even two minutes later, I hear Brantley walking towards the back. I grin seductively as the door opens. "Ahhh!" I scream and try to cover myself. "Oh shit! Sorry!" says one of Brantley's crew members as he runs out of the room.

"Oh my god. So embarrassing! Brantley is going to kill that guy." I mumble to myself. "Baby girl?! What just happened?" he asks worriedly before the door flies open. "Oh fuck baby girl. Forget what just happened," he says before taking his clothes off and climbing on top of me. "Hey sexy," I purr to him while he is exploring my body. "Baby, it's been too long. I need you NOW," I tell him urgently. "You're a bad girl. You need to be punished, baby girl," he tells me seriously before flipping me over onto my hands and knees. "Oh yes. I'm such a bad girl. Punish me, BG." I tell him while looking over my shoulder with a pout. "Shut up. Face down. Ass up, girl." I follow his directions. I love when he's demanding in the bedroom. I love me a man who takes control. He makes me so wet.

"Mmm baby girl. You're already ready for me. Such a slut." he tells me before pulling my panties down and smacking my ass lightly. "Oh! Yes!" I cry out in pleasure. "You like that don't you? You're already soaking wet." he tells me as he dips two fingers in me. I moan and press my hips back. Brantley smacks my ass again and demands me to stay still. It's so hard to stay put when he's driving me crazy. Just when I feel like I'm about to fall apart, Brantley yanks my bra off. Then, he lines himself up and slams into me from behind. "Oh fuck baby girl. You're so fuckin' tight. Best I've ever had, girl."

He never even got my panties fully off. He just held tightly to my hips while plowing into me. He reaches in front of me to tweak my nipples and I let out a loud moan. Then, he uses one hand to pull me back by my hair, while using his fingers on the other hand to rub my little nub. I fall apart and Brantley cums right behind me.

After our shower we snuggle up in bed. "I wasn't too rough, was I baby girl?" he asks me intently. "Not at all. You're perfect. I loved every minute of it baby," I tell him with a smile. He grins while brushing my hair out of my face. "I can't wait until you're my wife," he whispers to me. I grin back and him and kiss him softly on the lips. "I love you," I tell him before giving him once last kiss and snuggling into his chest.

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