Chapter: 1

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I was working on the flowers. Just as our ancestors once did. Making them grow, live and die. And the cycle goes on forever. I heard a whistle of the tree branches and saw ripples in the grass. It was past my curfew and I knew she was going to hurt me. I knew I was going to be late and may get a visit from the cat-o'-nine- tails. I pick up my basket and some remaining flowers. I race to get home. Although it's not must of a home to me. A step-mother who chastises me at any given moment and two step-sisters whose mission in life is to ruin mine. We have one of the biggest manors in town, since my father was a very wealthy merchant. We have everything you could possibly imagine. But something was missing from it and I just can't put my finger on it. I open the door and there she is. Looming over the doorway like a curse. Waiting to pounce on me like a cat. 
"Azalea! I told you to be home half an hour ago! Explain yourself!" Lady Guinevere screamed, "I told you be home by curfew! All you do is...NOTHING! I give you a home, clothing, food, shelter and water! And you do nothing, except be a disgrace to this family!!" I stay silent. If I talk, she'll only whip me more. She walked out of the room. Obviously horrified that I'm still here. That I'm still alive. She tells Arabella, the maid, to send me to my chambers. I lay on my bed and cry. Is this really my life? What have I ever done to deserve this? Was it the fact that I......I don't know what I did. Wait....what did I do?

It is a few minutes later, I hear footsteps coming up the creaky, servants stairs. She's using the servant stairs. That's new. I hear the key being placed in the door knob. My heart races. I hear the squeak of the door opening up. Lady Guinevere, is holding the cat-o'-nine-tails. I see a devilish grin on her face. Oh how she enjoys it.The whip just bushes my skin and immediately it is broken. I look up in her eyes and she is enjoying seeing me in pain. She again, throws the whip back, than at me. I cry out in pain. But not too loud. The louder I scream, the more she whips me. She whips me ten more times.

The pain is almost unbearable. I can't move because of all the cuts and bruises. How am I going to get all of my chores done now? I must have passed out because, I wake up to Mrs. Hildigard cleaning my wounds. She dabs away blood, with an old rag. "Thank you so much Mrs. Hildigard," I say in a raspy voice.

"Your welcome. Lady Guinevere can be quite rude at times. But you've gotta brush it off, be good, come home on curfew and you"ll do fine," she says offering a weak smile.

"Thanks for the advice, butI don't even know if that's possible."

"Now, why would that be m'dear?"

"Because...well...I'm me. I'm always late, can't control my anger at times and according to Lady Guinevere, very unladylike."

"I don't know if I quite get it, ma'dear."

"Its just that, it's the way I've always been. Late, a little bit of disobeying here and know, the general stuff."

"Okay I suppose. Just try your best, promise? Don't want you to get whipped no more. Now sweetheart, I'm done cleaning your wounds. Just be careful." She walks out of the room, with a smile on her face. She is the closest thing I've got to mother.

Ever since my mother past away when I was seven, my father would always protect me. Around seven years ago he got remarried to Lady Guinevere. She and her two daughters Helen and Alys had moved in to our cottage. Lady Guinevere, was once married to a wealthy merchant, named Theo. Theo had passed away, leaving a widow and two children. My father had fallen in love with her and they immediately got married.

Just a few months ago, my dear father had passed away, on a ship to Asia. He had some business to do across seas. He is said to have gotten the plague. But, I don't believe that for one second. My father was the strong kind. Never to get to sick. And could never sit still when he was. I just wonder what really got him. I still wish that, my father would come through those doors and greet me once again. But I knew that wasn't possible. I would never be happy again.

Hey guys!! My first, edited chapter is up! If you have been with me for a while, you will know that this is not the original. I have edited and changed this sucker! Hope you enjoy this better version!!


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