Time To Scream... But what if I don't want to?

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Narrator: Rise and shine! We have to get an early rise if we want to get to Lagoon on time! You know it takes an five hours to get there. Hurry hurry!

Me: What the heck Narrator? It is.. (Looks at clock) five o-clock! In the morning no less! Let me sleep!

Narrator: You can sleep on the way.

Me: Ugh! Fine. *Sluggishly gets up and heads to shower*

Narrator: *Hums as he packs some clothes* 

Me: *Comes out in shorts and a tee-shirt* Okay the sooner we get... Why are you packing for me? Aren't we only staying for the day?

Narrator: Nope. One day at Lagoon-a-Beach. We can get a bounce-back. So we are going to stay at your Aunt's hotel. I already talked to her about that. She congratulates you for finally getting a boyfriend. And such a nice one at that. *Snickers*

Me: Shut up! Lets go. Have you packed enough for me?

Narrator: Swim suite, extra clothes, undies.

Me: I'll pack!

Narrator: Nope. I will. 

Me: Fine. I am too tired to argue. But if you pack me anything weird you will pay. 

Narrator: Okay. Why don't you pack something to do for when we get there?

Me: Okay. *Grabs iPad laptop, book, notebooks, binder, and art book and shove them into my backpack* I am ready to go. You?

Narrator: I believe so. Lets go.

Me: Agreed. *Walks to mom's room* See ya mom. Narrator already talked to you about me going with him right?

Mom: Yeah sweetie. Now go ahead. I want to go back to sleep. 

Me: Okay. Bye. *Walk to Narrator's car* Okay lets go.

Narrator: Okay. *Drives*

Me: *Take pillow I grabbed and fell asleep*

Me: *Yawn* Are we there yet?

Narrator: Nope. You only slept for three hours. 

Me: Why don't we read a little of the story?

Narrator: Okay. You have to though, because I am driving.

Me: Sophie was immediately put to work. Greedy let her mom go. He flew her away so that she couldn't find the cave again. Sophie had to polish all of the scales that Greedy had collected. Then she had to hang them up color coordinated. 

Narrator: Sounds like a certain dragon has OCD.

Me: Be quiet. After that was done he let her sleep, but woke her up really early in the morning. Greedy made her clean the entire cave. Eventually weeks passed in the same routine. Polish, clean, collect food and water, and cook. Her mom had been unable to find her yet. 

Narrator: We are there. 

Me: Really? Already?

Narrator: Yep. We are at The Aunt's Hotel. Very fancy I must say.

Me: Yep. Let's go get settled. *Grabs luggage*

Narrator: *Leads way* 

Me: Auntie Sera!

Aunt Sera: Sophie.How are you darling? Have you seen Aunt Deena recently? She really misses you. You should visit her in Florida sometime. Now come on. We must catch up. 

Me: For sure.

Narrator: I'll take your stuff. What room Sera?

Aunt Sera: I'll show you. Now Sophie you haven't been emailing. I am very disappointed that you kept this young man a secret. You will be telling me everything. Right?

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