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That Saturday morning, Tommy pick Kiyah up from her home and went to the victory parade. When they got to the park, Kiyah saw flots. Some flats have flowers and some floats have party decoration with the school colors. Kyiah cannot help that in her mind she has to destroy the power rangers.

Kiyah: what is wrong with me? Why do I want to destroy the power rangers?

As she was in her thoughts, Tommy came right behind her.

Tommy: your ready? The bus is going to take off.

Kiyah: yes I am ready.

Tommy and his team is going on a double decker bus for the parade. The team family was on the bottom while the football players were on the top of the bus. Some of the football players had their girlfriends with them including Tommy. Kiyah was sitting between his leg because the top of the bus was crowded. The route of the parade started at the park and end at downtown Angel Grove square were the community is celebrating Angel Grove football team victory. When the parade started, the marching band was first, then the dance team, city bored members and council men were in there cars waving, the cheerleaders cheering, different charitys and many more. The football team.and their families were last. The parade was live on air. Kiyah was on the bus with Tommy seeing the people of Angel Grove cheering on the side walk. Their was confedie was flying everywhere and music was playing in the background. Kiyah never seen this many people she her dad last team the L.A Lakers won the play off. When the school got to the Angel Grove square,  their were plunge jumping, three jumpers, game booth, Music ranging from hip hop to modon pop, food stands, tables, ect.

Tommy and Kiyah was at the game booth. Tommy won two games and won Kiyah a stuff animal. Tommy and Kiyah were alone most of the day. As they was walking holding hands, Tommy has something to say to Kiyah. He stopped her and turned to her.

Tommy: Kiyah, I love you so much. You were there for me from my ups and downs and now you support me from my football games and and school activities . Kiyah you mean the world to me.

Tommy and Kiyah were talking behind the restroom so the can talk in private so no one can see them. Tommy fot on one knee reach into his pocket and pull out a purple box. When he open the box, there was a ring inside. The ring was silver with a purple hart.

Tommy: Kiyah, I want to give you this promise ring. I promise to be there for you when your sick, having ups and downs, and be the man you want me to be. Kiyah, do you accept my promise ring?

Kiyah started to cry. She never had a men have passion in his hart to say such beautiful words and on top of that a beautiful ring. Tjis was a dream come true for Kiyah.

Kiyah: yes, Tommy I accept you promise ring.

After the posasal, Kiyah jumped on Tommy and kissed him.  Tommy and Kiyah were in love with each other. They continue to kiss until they hear screaming. Tommy quickly turn his head around the corner and saw a monter attacking the city.

Tommy: Kiyah get somewhere safe.

Kiyah did as Tommy said and ran. Tommy and the rangers went to face the monstor. The power rangers moph and fight off the monstor as people were still runing to get out of the way. The power rangers were trying to take down the monstor but they we over taken by the monster.

Monstor: you can't defeat mee rangers and you know it.

Rocky: we are not going down that easily.

The rangers put the weapons together. When the monstor disappeared.

Kimberly: were did it go?

Billly: I dont know?

The rangers were confused on what was going on until someone blast at them. As the rangers were on the ground trying to see who shot at them. Tommy was able to see clearly. He saw a purple figure walking towards them. It was aa power ranger. The suite looked simular Kimberly's but with the dragon sheild the hemet also had a gold crown and the boots were to the knee with gold strip around the top of the boot.

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