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Bruce's POV
It's been two full months sense we last saw Tim but then we Got a location to we're Tim was we went immediately but once we got there we saw Tim asleep in someone's bed in pajamas but when we looked over at the nightstand there was coffee and a note and the note said hey Tim it's me sorry we had to leave but we had to your dad found you and I didn't want to be seen anyway talk to you later babe love Red hood that's what the hole note said and then Tim started to wake up but once he sat up he looked over at us with a smile on his face but sone that smile disappeared he then saw the note and just looked disappointed but then he saw the coffee and laughed " that bastard he knows me to well I already miss him I guess you guys finally found me to take me home tell me how long did it take you to find me" Tim said to me he wasn't even hurt but saddened because what ever happened while he wasn't with me must have made him make some kind of criminal friends I just look at him dick graved him before he could grave the coffee that red hood left him " hey let me get the coffee he made it for me and it's probably the last thing I'll ever have that he made me or gave me !" Tim yelled at dick and with those words it made dick look at Tim with a concerned look on his face " Tim do you know what red hoods real name is or what he even looks like" dick said to him calmly " yeah I do and if you want to know his real name just ask (dick nodded his head yes please tell me ) okay his name is Jason and he's really nice and his hair is disformed a little and what by I mean he was born with the a few strands of his front hair white and your ex girlfriend dick and your ex friend live with him and there the outlaws and I guess you can say there fun to be around" Tim said the name Jason made me weirded out dick looked well as if he was heart broken " Tim do you know how old he is" dick said Tim just nodded " he's nineteen years old just a few years older than me and a year younger than you dick" Tim said again surprising us a lot we graved him and went outside and drove back to the batcave Tim then went straight to his room I don't know why but he did I wish I knew what happened to him while he was with those people

Tims POV
When I got back home after being found I ran to my room thinking about Jason and wondering why he left me for Bruce and dick to find me but then I heard a noise at my window so I walk over to it and open it to see Jason I just smile and he smiled back at me " Tim I came to get you I'm not leaving you here with them" Jason said to me I just smiled to him " okay Jason on Monday I'll meet you at the place I first encountered you at and I'll have to bring my Red Robin suit and Jason I knew you would come back for me and thanks for the coffee" I said to him and he just laughed and just nodded his head and jumped out the window I then went down stairs to eat when I got there Damien was looking at me with your telling me everything later look I jus gave him the fuck of you little demon look to him I sat down at the table with everyone else " so Tim who were the people that took you" dick said to me I just rolled my eyes and groaned at his question " dick you basically know we'll all two out of the three of them one of them is a alien princesses you went out with the other is a ginger that used to be green arrows apprentice and the other one I'm sure you don't know" I said a little pissed of at him he just looked terrified on what I just said " roy and starfire took you with them Jesus crist what has gotten into them no what's has gotten into you the way you said that was like if you had hatred towards all of us especially me what do you have Stockholm syndrome or something and the fact that you didn't escape is something else they left you unrestrained no cuffs no rope and you still stayed there willingly for two months your seventeen Tim and you have school the hell is wrong with you and your mind and the thing is what worries me the most is that how well they treated you" dick said to me I got even more pissed if possible by what he fucking said " shut the fuck up Richard I'm turning eighteen next month I'm not a child at all and nothing happened to me yeah they were nice they were fun to be around and if I do have Stockholm syndrome because I think they were nice and fun to be around and to hang out with then yeah I'm fucked up so what aren't we all fucked up in are minds well at least I'm not fucking a sixteen year old boy dick I'll say that's what a  dam pedaphile would do and a criminal as well because if your eighteen or over eighteen it's illegal to date and fuck a seventeen year old or a child under seventeen years old" I said pissed at him Bruce gave dick a look that meant were talking about that later dick and Damien gave me a glare I just smirked at him and I got up and walked away Damien followed me to my room and came in as well and then I closed the door and looked at him " Damien what do you want to talk about" I asked so annoyed for some reason Damien he's a demon but we talk because we're in the same dam boat and I'm happy he didn't tell them earlier were I was " Tim stop acting out like that and I warned them for you to be happy anyway wanna go watch a movie with me and your telling me Everything that happens while you were gone I kneed you to tell me" Damien sis sand I just chuckled and agreed

Hey guys I made Damien nice to Tim and stuff and made him be like that in the chapter and I was working on this chapter while I was working with the other one and two chapters in one day anyway hope you enjoyed this chapter anyway multi-shiper out bye guys

Kidnapped by a broken bird ( under a lot of editing)Where stories live. Discover now