Movie night

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Tim's POV
It's only been a few days sense I woke up here and I got comfortable about being here and with the people that live here starfire acts like a mom roy acts live a older brother and Jason i don't know what he is I just know he causes me trouble but it's fun with Jason around, Jason he makes me happy and fell safe around him but he makes me sad most of the time but I guess I'm in love with him but I know he won't fell the same so I'll tell him when I fell like it.

Jason's POV
It was seven pm right know and we all decide to watch a movie together so roy and starfire sat on the other couch together while me and Tim sat together were all going to watch a marathon of scary movies Tim brought the blankets while I brought the popcorn for us both after a while of watching the first movie a jump scare came and Tim freaked the fuck out he looked like a child being scared on Halloween I just grave him and hugged him to make him less scared of the movie right just the movie but after a while Tim laid his head on my lap making me fell uncomfortable but when I looked down to see his face he was already looking at me I just smiled at him and he smiled back at me I wonder what he thinks about me what he hates about me dam I'm so in love with this little bastard but I guess after a while at staring at each other we fell asleep

Tim's POV
the last thing i remember doing before falling asleep during the movie is looking into Jason's eyes and when i woke up Jason had his hands wrapped around my waist and my head in his chest dam I'm small anyway I tried waking him up but I sone gave up on that idea but after two hours he finally woke up

Jason's POV
When I woke up I saw my hands wrapped around someone's waist so I looked at the person and it was Tim I'm suprised he didn't wake me up " um Tim how long have you been awake" I said all awkward to him he just blushed at my question " um about two hours and I tried waking you up but you wouldn't and plus you have a strong grip and I couldn't get out of it so I just waited for you to wake up" he said really flustered about the situation we were in I just unwrapped my arms from his waist and he ran of I got up to see Roy looking at me with a smirk " so mind telling me how that happened or should I just ask him what happened" he said all smug "we fell asleep on the couch last night while watching the movie and I guess during the night that happened and then he said he woke up two hours before me and said he tried to wake me up but couldn't so he waited and that's what happened" I said and he looked as if he was trying to contain his laughter and it looked like he was holding a cup of coffee which only til can touch " Tim Roy has your coffee!" I yelled and saw Tim running and round house kicked Roy in his face and started to scream random ass stuff at him and then after he was done screaming random ass stuff at Roy he took Roy's cup of coffee and drank it and ran back to are shared room I just burst out laughing at that " Roy your a dumb ass for drinking his coffee " I said to him while getting up and starting to make breakfast for everyone and after i was done doing that I got up and went to everyone's room just to get them to wake up and come to eat breakfast and once i got them all here,we all started to eat but while I was eating I noticed Tim was staring at me but not trying to make it obvious I just smiled at him and he blushed and looked away and stared to talk to star at the table " so Tim didn't you think that one actor that played mason looked hot" starfire said to him Tim looked up and blushed " yeah that actor was hot as hell" When Tim said that I almost lost it roy just laughed " wow you really are gay well don't worry because Jason is to" roy said laughing his head of I just got up and smacked him in the face and he stopped laughing after saw my face " that's not funny and I'm not gay know stop saying and laughing at stupid shit roy because it's fucking annoying" I said but at the corner of my eye I could see Tim's happy expression go away with a sad one that meant I'm never going to have a chance with him look on his face I couldn't believe it after that we all went to are rooms and I just stayed on the couch watching tv

Hey guys what's up hope you enjoyed this chapter anyway multi-shiper out bye guys hope your day isn't ruined by rain

Kidnapped by a broken bird ( under a lot of editing)Where stories live. Discover now