Charter Thirteen

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"Oh, God." I said waking up. The light in the room hurt my eyes. I cringed as my head was pounding.

"Never again." I croaked out. I swear, drinking isn't worth it. Especially if you had too much, like we did. Ashton was still asleep and had his arm draped over me. Slowly pushing it away, I climbed out of bed. Well it was more like a crawl.

I heard a thud, that sounded more like thunder. The thud was followed by a grunt and some shuffling. I continued to crawl to the door, and I saw Luke on the floor also slowly making his way to the door. I continued to crawl not even bothering to ask if he was alright. I felt extremely nauseous as I made my way to the bathroom, with Luke not far behind me. He was dragging himself across the floor rather then actually crawling.

Outside of the bathroom I found everyone sitting on the floor, looking lifeless. I went passed them and entered the bathroom. Slowly kicking the door shut and hovered over the toilet as I felt vomit creeping up my throat.

"I need to puke." I heard Luke say on the other side of the door, as I emptied the contains of my stomach into the toilet.

"Get in line." Michael spat. I reached up to the handle and flushed the toilet. Making my way over to the sink, I kneeled up to rinse out my mouth. The door swung open and Luke slid to the toilet, not able to hold it down anymore.

He didn't seem to mind me, but I did mind being in there while he vomited. I crawled back out and collapsed on the floor next to everyone else. Grunting I sat up against the wall and stared into the abyss. We looked like corpses sitting here. I bet if someone walked in, they would think they just walked into The Walking Dead.

The sound of the toilet flushing filled my ears, before the door opened and Luke dragged himself out. He collapsed in the doorway, still half in the bathroom.

We stayed like that for what felt like hours. Scratch that, for what felt like days. Nobody said a word.

Usually a silence like this would drive me crazy. I normally want to be left alone, but I hate the feeling of being alone. There is nothing worse than feeling lonely. But it sucks more to let people know how you're actually feeling. A lie becomes your way of living. And with time, you start to believe in the lie you created. So pretending to be happy becomes a habit, let them believe you're fine. But yet again, fake happiness is the worst kind of sadness.

After a while, I saw a shadow making it's way towards us. Since everyone else was here, it was obviously Ashton. He shouldn't be as hungover like the rest of us, seeing that he completed almost all his dares. I didn't look up at him. Everything hurt at the moment.

"You guys look really pale." I heard him remark, his morning voice was deep and raspy. And it just, god help me. Being hungover was clouding my judgment a bit. I knew that the best cure for us right now is to hydrate ourselves, but I don't think moving is an option.

"We look like shit." Michael croaked out, making a smile appear on my face. But due to my severe headache I tried hard to hold back a laugh that tried to escape and ended up sounding like a dying animal. I raised my head slowly and I saw Ashton walking away. He came back with a bottle of water and maneuvered his way into the bathroom without disturbing Luke. He emerged a few seconds later with a little bottle in his hand. I took in his appearance. His hair was all tousled. He was still in the same thing he slept in; practically nothing.

He opened the little bottle and took a pill out of it, putting it in his mouth. He then opened the water bottle and swallowed it with some water. Reaching down he handed them to Michael, who did the same and passed it on. When the two bottles reached me, I saw that it was aspirine. I then took one and swallowed it passing them on to Luke.

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