Scene Four

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Scene Four

 "We're here," Mia said more for Jamison's benefit back on the ship than her own. Once more she wiped the sweet from her forehead, this was the third time since they left the ship five minutes ago.

Although she knew where this building was located, she had followed pounding sci-music from the ship to this entrance built into the side of a hill. As they had crossed the tarmac, she had noted that it was empty. This wasn't unusual because most of the action on Hades happened underground. But the only ships that had been docked there were long time cooled.

"I can see that mistress," Jeeves said, stopping at her side. The building's entrance was made to look like a saloon front from Earth's old west. The double doors swung slightly in the hot breeze. A sign stated 'The Hole' hung over them.

"Get ready." Mia flipped the guard off the laser's holster and watched Jeeves. He opened the case and pulled out a personal scanner. Simultaneously, a small hole opened up on his forearm and a small laser appeared.

When everything was ready, Mia and Jeeves walked through the swinging doors and entered a white airlock. A large pile of sand had accumulated on the floor, which must have blown in from the last sandstorm. A ding followed by a computerized voice called from the control panel next to the far door, "One humanoid and one robot."

The outer airlock door slid down from the ceiling, closing off the outer entrance. A cool breeze pick up. All the accumulated sand in the airlock drained through the floor. The breeze stopped and the voice called, "You may now enter." The farther airlock door opened into a empty lobby, done in gaudy shades of gold and red. The area felt like either a casino or a lobby of a house of pleasure. Strangely, there was no one around. This was just early enough in Hades' 'day' most people would still be asleep, but there should have been a few in the lobby.

She strode from the airlock and didn't stop until someone stepped into her path. In front of her stood a very tall and muscular man with a bald head. He topped her by almost two feet. His black eyes didn't reflect any of the room's light. "Greetings Mia, long time, no see. What brings you to my humble dwellings?" An expression that might have been a smile crossed his face.

"George." Mia nodded and caught his gaze. "I've information, one of my packages might be here." She watched the large man's eyes and rested her hand more comfortably on her laser, flicking the snap on the holster's guard.

"Please." George falsely cringed. "I've repeatedly asked you not to use that name."

"The package." Mia continued to hold the giant's gaze.

He swallowed. "Now Mia, you know I won't deal in your packages. The last time cost me more than I could afford. Took me years to get the place back into shape."

"Then you won't mind if I search the building." She took a step toward him, starting for the deeper, underground, maze-like interior of the building. She knew she was crowding him but one could not show any weakness in a place like this. You never knew who was watching.

"Wait." George put up a hand. He blocked her path but stopped short of touching her. "A small group of males, not regulars, has been here for the past month. They may have your package."

Mia refocused her attention on George, holding his gaze. "Where are they?"

"Private room two, they had a few packages with them upon their arrival, which have been well stored since then."

"Fine. Stay away. You'll know when I'm gone." She walked forward, forcing George to step out of her way. She never looked back, knowing Jeeves would cover her back. He would follow her in and more importantly back out of the deepest bowels of Hell.

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