Chapter 14 - Say my name

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Author's note: Hi! I want to thank all of you guys for reading my fanfic, it means a lot to me that there are more or less a hundred of you that continue to read my story. I do hope you're with me 'til the end! *wink* Enjoy reading!


                The presence of Robin Hood in her office made her anxious more than the existence of Zelena in that same room and of Elsa somewhere in town. She looked at him but he doesn’t look back, he stood there, unmoving, with his bow directed to Zelena’s head, his arrow ready to fly.

“Are you okay?” Emma asked. She reached for Henry’s hand and he grabbed her without letting go of Regina.

Regina, his voice is still on her head, repeating her name over and over again. Wondering what really brought him there, but no matter what it was, she was grateful. Her hands were shaking and having to worry that Henry might mistakenly recognize it for fear or something else, she let go of his hand and let Emma take him by her side. She held her hands together trying to stop them from trembling. It has been days since she last spoke with Robin and she just felt restless and speechless as she saw him again. He called my name, she thought. He called MY name.

“Are you alright, milady?” Robin asked when Regina didn’t reply to Emma. His hands still stretched, holding on to his weapon, his eyes focused only at his target.

Regina was startled, not knowing what to say. Milady, she thought again, and she smiled unintentionally. “Yes, of course I’m okay,” she directed her answer to Emma. “I am Regina Mills, I’m alright,” she added sassily as she flicked her hair. “There’s no need for that…” she said staring at the outlaw. She tried to walk towards him but she found herself stopping her own feet, “There’s no need for that,” she repeated, “Robin…” she called out his name to make sure she got her attention. It was only then that Robin put down his bow and looked at Regina.

Robin, he thought. She called my name. Oh how I miss her calling my name. Even when she calls me THIEF, it’s still her voice I wanna hear, he pondered. He looked at her and watched her flick her hair again and put a lock of it behind her right ear.

Emma just watched them, glancing at Regina, then at Robin and back at Regina again, while she held onto her son making sure he’s fine. For a moment, it was just like that. Glances and stares, the room probably filled with thoughts, but no one’s brave enough to speak of them. There was an absolute muteness, such warmth amidst the winter that has been engulfing the entire town.

“Am I disturbing something in here?” Zelena asked, breaking the silence. The Outlaw and the Queen, stood there, motionless, not a single word came out of their mouths.

“What do you want?” Emma questioned.

She looked at her sister and the outlaw, exchanging glances yet keeping quiet, she grinned. “I’ve already told you,” addressing Emma. “I only want to speak to my sister,” her eyes on Regina, waiting for her chance to talk to her.

Regina could feel everyone’s eyes on her, waiting for her next move, her next words. Like the world is relying on to her, “Enough with this!” she exclaimed. “Emma, take Henry with you and I’ll talk to Zelena.” Emma willingly took Regina’s request, knowing that she could totally protect herself. But then she had a glimpse of Robin and looked back at Regina. “And Robin…” the Queen called, “I’d need to talk to my sister, alone.” That came out of her mouth but on her mind, it was all him she wanted to talk to. Damn it! Why does this sisterly bonding need to happen now? She questioned herself.

He started moving, his feet going towards the exit door against his will. But with the request of his Queen, he followed. And before he left the room, he turned and looked at Regina, she was staring back at him. He smiled, and she was already smiling, he shut the door and left.


                David was trying to keep the news of Zelena’s escape from townspeople, the last thing they needed was to add fear since the Snow Queen was still nowhere to be found. The streets were left empty, people were already frightened and cold. Even Snow White didn’t want to be alone, not when she has her baby Neal on her arms and another villain lurking around town. She often had Belle by her side who had become so fond of little Prince Neal, probably wanting to have a child of her own. But the fact that she has no idea what Gold did to Zelena on the prison cell, that he tricked her into believing that she has his dagger, does Belle really want to have a child with Rumplestiltskin?

He was watching how she played with the infant, asking Snow White if she could carry him, cuddling him and hearing her baby talking in that notable accent made Gold fall in love with Belle more and more. I never thought I’d ever have the chance for this, he thought as he watched Belle with Prince Neal. She caught him staring at her, she smiled her sweet smile and placed Neal’s cheek beside hers, Gold chuckled and mouthed you look cute. She giggled and kissed the prince’s cheek.

Snow White was just observing them, grinning, and when she could no longer hold it, she spoke, “You two look like teenagers.”

“Not really, more like newlyweds,” Belle defended and laughed.

Gold just smiled and said, “Newlyweds,” doing the thing with his hands, pretending to create some magic or offer deals.

Belle and Snow White cackled and a bit surprisingly, Prince Neal also let out a soft laugh. “He must have liked you doing the hand thing,” Belle commented. And Gold went closer and did it again, showing it to the little boy, the Prince giggled lightly again and everyone laughed with him.

Gold’s small performance for the kid was interrupted when David came into the house. “Hey,” he greeted everybody.

“Hey,” Belle responded as she handed Prince Neal back to his mother while Gold nodded to him.

David then started, “There’s been a change of situation,” he said, looking at Gold, cautious not to make him feel doubted, trying not to look suspicious.

“What is it?” Snow White inquired, holding on to his baby closer to her chest.

“Zelena escaped her prison, again,” directing his words towards his wife but watching Gold from the corner of his eyes. Gold froze in astonishment.

“But how’s that possible?” Belle sought for explanation of sorts, clueless on what is about to happen and what has happened.

David walked towards Snow and touched their little boy’s hands, “For some reasons, she succeeded to stay alive. We don’t know how, but right now, she is with Regina.”

“Regina?” Snow and Belle asked at the same time.

“She only wanted to talk to her,” he explained. “And, she has magic,” saying it to the Witch’s teacher.

Gold clenched his teeth and hardened the grasp he had on his cane, “Zelena,” that was all he managed to say.

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