Chapter 18 - The Evil Queen

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                The world felt like spinning from Regina’s eyes as she stood at the center of the crowd, in front of her soulmate who, right now, has no idea who she is. He’s looking straight to the windows of her soul but he couldn’t recognize her. Everything that is happening made Regina sick to her stomach, she wanted to puke. Her head was hurting not understanding anything at the moment. She felt like she was thrown into an angry wave at the sea, battling not to drown, and just as when she’s at the shore, the surge picks her up again and throws her back to the ocean hurting her every sense of being, again and again.

“What do you mean who I am?” Regina questioned, her fists clenched, so as her teeth, fighting the tears that were about to fall.

Robin just stared at her, not knowing what to say. “I mean…” he paused, thinking how to answer the woman looking at him who’s clearly upset with what he had just asked her. He went near her, trying to remember who she was, his forehead creasing until something hit him. He gasped and took a step aback, kneeled before her and bowed his head, “Forgive me, your majesty,” he apologized. He remembered her, but it wasn’t Regina he dredged up, it was the Evil Queen.

Regina flinched at what the thief had acted. He recalled who I am, but he doesn’t remember US, she miserably assumed. A sudden throbbing pain hit her again, stabbing every memory she had with him until all that’s left were blurry images of what they used to be. She turned her back on him, prepared to walk away as he still knelt on the floor.

“It’s Elsa,” Anna declared, stopping Regina from exiting. “This guy,” she continued, referring to Little John, “He said that he saw a woman left him unconscious in the woods.”

“I’m sure it’s the same person who attacked us at Granny’s diner,” Little John confirmed.

They were still babbling about some things but Regina no longer listened, she couldn’t bear it anymore. Before she bawls her eyes out in front of the whole town, she decided to just leave. She bolted towards the door, the people parted in two like the ocean had split for her to pass through, not wanting to get in her way.

Roland pulled his father up to which he obeyed and stood upright. The little boy held Robin by his finger pulling him to the direction of the door. “Mama Gina,” he said to his father. And while Robin was still confused, he lifted the lad up and carried him with his strong arms bringing him closer to his chest having no plans of chasing the Evil Queen. But the boy didn’t stop, he wanted to follow her. “Mama Gina!” he shouted, wishing she would hear him. He protested from his father’s grip but Robin wouldn’t let go of him, he wouldn’t let his son anywhere near that woman. “Mama!!!” The poor boy repeated while he started to tear up.

“She just needs some time,” Snow reassured Henry as she pulled his arm and rubbed his back giving him just enough comfort. And just like that, they all watched her walk away. No one dared to follow her, not even Emma.

Mama, Roland’s voice kept on echoing in her head. Regina stopped just outside the town hall, collecting herself. Her knees were trembling as she covered her mouth with her hands, preventing loud whimpers from escaping her lips. She was sobbing uncontrollably under the harsh howling of winter, alone, and once again, there she was, the villain who’ll never seem to have her happy ending.


Amidst the absence of Regina on the town meeting, they continued, trying to figure out a plan to stop the seemingly endless horrible winter.

“I would just have to show up,” Anna volunteered. She swallowed even though her throat doesn’t seem to close. “As bait,” she offered. Everyone looked at her, disbelieving what she has just said. “I’m her sister, she wouldn’t hurt me,” she tried to explain.

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