Art of Gossip OCs

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Role: Female Theater
Name: Victoria Clarke
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Grade: 11th
Face Claim: Eleanor Tomlinson

Role: Female Theater Name: Victoria ClarkeAge: 16Gender: FemaleGrade: 11thFace Claim: Eleanor Tomlinson

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Hometown: Manhattan, NY
Personality: She is outgoing, assertive, and talkative. She likes to make friends but prefers to stay within her own tribe of people, being most comfortable with those who are on her own wavelength. She is polite, compassionate, and thoughtful. She goes out of her way to help people, focussing her sympathies on family, friends, and people she understands. She is also quite bubbly and energetic and brings that into her work.
Backstory: She is from the upper east side of Manhattan, but she is not a snob. She actually decided to go to school in Chicago to get away from that lifestyle. She can tend to take her work very seriously and has a perfectionist side when it comes to her craft which has recently led to her experiencing panic attacks in private. It is her best kept secret at the moment.
Summer Thing: Started seeing a therapist for frequent panic attacks
Other: claustrophobic, can sing and tap dance

Role: Male Dancer
Name: Nikolas Ivanov
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Grade: 12th
Face Claim: Colton Haynes

Role: Male DancerName: Nikolas Ivanov Age: 17Gender: MaleGrade: 12th Face Claim: Colton Haynes

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Hometown: Moscow, Russia
Personality: He is quiet, reserved, and a thinker. He is also neat, hard-working, and controlled. He is hard to get to know as he is shy and sensitive. He naturally prefers to be alone or to have just one or two friends, and his tendency to be anxious and afraid makes his nervousness around people more intense.
Backstory: Recently moved to America from Russia in order to have a better life. He moved with his mother so they could both escape a bad situation back home. His father has never really liked the idea that his son wants to be a dancer, so he has only his mother's support and love behind him.
Summer Thing: Took an English Immersion course so he would speak perfect English when he started school
Other: has a heavy Russian accent, gets bullied frequently because of his shyness

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