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The days were passing too fast. Derek's first year of college was almost over. His relationship had been broken for eight months. They texted and talked on the phone, but not about anything important. Derek was unsure of how to bring it up, so he never did, and Stiles didn't either. The point being, Derek decided it had been long enough. Today was the day he would return to Beacon Hills and knock on Stiles' door. He was determined, even if Stiles didn't want him anymore, he was at least going to see him. 

Derek had his keys in his hands and was ready to go when a knock on the door stopped him. Not having a roommate as of this semester, he knew it had to be for him. Erica would never knock, and Aiden didn't usually knock either. Hesitantly, Derek set his keys on his desk and went to open the door. His first instinct was to slam it in his face, which he tried to do, but Ethan stuck his foot in the door to stop him. "Hear me out," he begged, opening the door back up, but keeping himself outside. "I just want to talk."

"I have nothing to say to you," Derek spat. He was finally getting his life together. He wanted revenge at first, and to get justice, but now he wished only to never see Ethan again. 

"Okay, so you listen, and I'll talk," he responded, waiting for an answer that never came. He continued anyways. "What I did to you was wrong, Derek. I know that, and words can't describe how sorry I am. I was in with the wrong crowd. Honestly, I have no idea what I even put in your drink, or in the other guy's drinks. I did whatever those guys told me to do, and I took advantage of you, and others. It's disgusting."

"It is," Derek agreed with a scoff. He could not believe this conversation was actually happening. "It doesn't change anything."

Ethan shook his head. "I know it doesn't. I-- well, I've been punched in the face at least twice today, and I was kind of expecting you to be the third. If you still want to, you can. I just wanted to let you know I'm sorry and I turned myself in."

At this, Derek suddenly looked at him, raising an eyebrow. "You did?" he asked in disbelief. Ethan nodded, his expression sad and guilty. "Funny, it doesn't look like you're behind bars." Derek gestured for him to come inside, so Ethan stepped into the room, shutting the door behind him. "Why aren't you?"

"I told my mom to let me sit in there, but she insisted I get bailed out. My lawyer informed me not to speak to you, or any of the others, but if I didn't apologize and at least try to make things right. . . or better at least. . ." he trailed off. He sighed, shaking his head. "Derek, I really am sorry."

"I believe you," Derek admitted, keeping his distance. "And I forgive you. I just want you to stay as far away from me as possible after this conversation is over."

Ethan nodded in understanding. "I promise, I will." He started to reach for the doorknob and paused with his hand on it. "I'm seeing a shrink, by the way. I really am trying to change." Derek nodded, but didn't say anything. He was glad Ethan was at least putting in an effort, but it didn't change how the mere presence of him made Derek's chest so tight he couldn't breathe. "Okay, I'm leaving now. Thank you, for forgiving me. I promise to stay away." Derek waited until the door was shut behind Ethan before he let himself sit down on the bed and let out the tears he had been holding back. 

I Didn't Mean It (sequel to It Was an Accident)Where stories live. Discover now