Chapter Two: Talks & Questionings

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Chapter Two: Talks & Questionings

Sal’s lips over mine made me flew away. I am so in love with her and I didn’t mind her neighbours were looking at us. I just wanted to kiss her more and more. But I had to see my mum.

“Go, now. See you later love” she said and I pecked her lips quickly. I ran from there before I lose my mind and never leave her. I had a smile in my face I couldn’t erase. I just missed her too much after touring and not seeing her. Jeez, I’m going slightly mad.

After a while, I got to my mum’s house. I know she won’t expect me to come, but I want to surprise her. And ask her why Allie called her Ruthie. I don’t know why I feel those two have been together. I just hope mom didn’t show her my childhood pictures, y’know, the awkward ones. I knocked twice and I see the lovely woman who gave me life in front of me smiling, tears coming from her eyes.

“Hey mum”

“Brian! Oh my God! My baby!”

And she gives me a bone crushing hug but is okay.

“I missed you so much”

“I missed you too, mum. I really did. You got my letters?”

“Yes, I did. I was so pleased to know everything in tour went well”

“What about dad? How is he?”

“He’s doing fine. But, y’know? After he found out about his disease...” mum looked down and I knew of course my father was feeling terrible after knowing he had lung cancer. It is inoperable and dad said he didn’t want any kind of treatment. I wanted to help so badly, but there was nothing I could do. “Are you hungry sweetie?”

“A little bit”

“Come in, please. We have a lot to talk about”

“Can I see dad first?”

“Sure. He’s upstairs” I assented and started walking upstairs when I heard my mum voice “Brian, why are your clothes so creased?”

“Um, I stayed at Allie’s house and I forgot changing clothes”

“You know? I don’t need to know what happened there”

“Mum! Is not what you’re thinking!” I said, feeling my cheeks were about to blush “We just cuddle up and we fell asleep on the couch. That’s it. Nothing happened. I respect Sal’s choices”

“Okay, okay. I get it” she winked and I rolled eyes, going to dad’s room. I knocked and opened the door just to see him smiling


“Dad! I’m so glad to see you” I said while he hugged me and patted my back gently “I’m sorry I wasn’t here when... y’know...”

“It’s okay. I’m fine. Ruth is the only one that worries me”

“She’s strong. She will face this as much as we will. I promise” bad promise to keep, but I have to try to be supportive with my dad. He assents and hugs me again

“We have a lot to talk about, son. Especially about that girl, Sally”

“Dad, is Allie” I correct him with a shy smile. You’re not supposed to correct your parents but... still...

“Sorry. Forgive this old man for confusing your girlfriend’s name”

“No problem”


“So... how things are going with Allie?” mum asked me while she eats

“Um, fine I guess. She’s working now as a teacher in the college and well, I’m expecting to have a chance to spend a little more time with her. We’re actually now interested in making a stereoscopic images book. We’re strange, I know”

“You sound like a married couple” my dad says. I feel the food stuck in my throat and I start to cough like I’m about to die. Mum hits me in the back, softly at the beginning but real hard later.

“Mum, I think I’m okay” I said real sore, trying to catch my breath

“What happened?”

The idea of me and Sal being married scares me. I mean, when I thought she was pregnant I was scared because I wasn’t sure if I could handle having kids with somebody I wasn’t sure if I loved. Now, I love her, but, I don’t know if she’s ready to settle up. I don’t even know if I’m ready to settle up!

“Nothing. I just choked”

“Ah, there. You’re afraid!”


“What? Look, you and Allie have been dating for a while. I don’t really think you’re going to find somebody like her again and you’re too in love with her, the enough to ask your own mother to look up for her and let you know every single detail of her life”

“When you say it makes me feel like I’m a stalker”

“Brian, don’t you think is already time to give a brand new step?” my father asks me “Who knows? You maybe have found the right one”

“Well, I don’t want to screw things right now, y’know?”

“You won’t son. But, is your choice. In the end, is up to you chose who you want to spend the rest of your life”

Marrying with Sal? Nah, not for now. Or is it already the right time? Damn, I have a lot of thinking to do...


Whatcha guys think? Bri is ready to marry Allie? Or maybe she's not the love of his life? Comment your answers! :D Hope you liked the chapter :)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2014 ⏰

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