Chapter 1

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"Damon wake up ." My dad called as I sat up in my bed and stretched. "All right dad I'll get up just 5 more minutes please." I say laying back down."The last time you said 5 more minutes you were late by 2 hours so no get up ,feed the dogs,and eat your Cheerios." Dad said as he walked downstairs. So I get up and put on a black,long sleeve shirt with blue jeans and black converses. I walked down stairs and the dog started to bark and I said in a baby voice," I'm coming don't worry." He was a golden retriever with a black patch from under his nose to his right eye. I pour him some food and walk in to the dining room were I saw my mom and dad and my 11 brothers and 1 sister. Yea you know what they did on there free time. My youngest brother Tyson yells, "Damon come here before you go to prison." He ran and gave me a hug and I leaned down and said,"buddy I'm not going to jail it's just schoo.... Oh wait yea school is jail well you know bud your going to be in there sooner or later."when I said that he got a mad look on his face and He ran away and yells noooooo. I sit down and start eating my Cheerios and my mom comes to the table and says "baby move your elbow I'm trying to put the pancakes on the table thankyou." My mom was the best cook ever and I'm a mama's boy she spoils me with everything and if any one were to ever hurt her I swear I would......."DAMON why won't you listen to me I was trying to tell you my story ." My sis yells at the table. "Sorry sis I was off in lala land." I say." "Well if you do it again Ill beat you into lala land." She says trying to be intimidating . "Sis try a better come back next time." I say as I walk out the door to my car which was a 1960 Chevy nova ss. I start to drive off when I remember I forgot my necklace that my great great great grandfather passed down generation to generation. It was a cresent moon necklace with a wolf. I ran upstairs and went strait to my bedroom were I left it and ran back out the house saying nothing and now it's time for schoo... Sorry I can't say that word hahaha jail .

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