In the Hospital

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So I told him! The circumstances were very odd, but I got it out. It was great it turns out he likes me back. We have a date this Saturday. You wanna know how it happened. Well, it had a tragic start, but everything is turning out just fine. It was about 3 months ago when I told him, "You are very special to me, and I like you as more than a friend."
~*.*.*.*. 3 months ago.*.*.*.*.*~
"Mom, I finished my classes. Can we can go do something?" I'm homeschooled so the faster I get my assignments done the faster I'm not trapped in a pile of books. Of course, I can't drive yet, so I still need to be driven around. Just a few more months and that license is mine.
"Sure, I guess. What would you want to do?"
"I don't know."
We stand there for a minute or two thinking of what we could possibly do.
"Oh we could go to the library." My mom says. Her face looking at me with a look that has 'Sorry, that's the best I could think of written all over it.'
"Mom I wanna leave the house to get away from books not find more." I say in a jokingly annoyed tone.
"I know, I know. I just... Hm, what if we go to the bakery and have some muffins, while watching them cook through that window they have that looks into their kitchen."
"I like how you think, Mother. Let me go get changed and we can go."
"Great I have to put away these last few dishes anyway."
While I'm on my way up the stairs thinking, 'It's a good thing I already know what I wanna wear.'
All of a sudden the phone started ringing when I made it to the top of the stairs.
"Hello. Oh hi Maria..." I smiled and started thinking of how much I liked that they were friends. Maria is the amazing mother of my crush, Erick. I have been falling for him for the past year. Yeah, he's awesome we aren't super close, but we're getting closer and his family is wonderful and very close to ours, which adds to us getting closer.
I was changed and ready within 5 minutes. I'm really good at getting ready super fast. I'm on my way down the stairs when I hear, "Don't worry Maria, your family is in our prayers. I'll talk to you soon."
"Mom is everything okay."
"Actually honey, um that was Maria asking for prayers. Erick was in a car accident on his way home from school today."
When I heard car accident, I froze, I could feel tear forming in my eyes. Her words started fading away until I heard nothing, but my slurring thoughts. My mind was lost. I didn't know what was going on. My brain finally woke up to hear he was under high supervision in the intensive care unit. Right there I cut her off.
"Mom, where is he." I said with a semi-serious tone, but you could tell I was gonna break into tears at any second. "Mom, Please tell me where he is." I begged for her to tell me where he was. I needed to see him, I needed to be with him, to sit there and comfort him and his family.
"I don't know. Maria didn't tell me the hospital. I suggest we go to our prayer table and just pray for him."
"No mom! We need to go see them they need to be comforted. Can you imagine the pain they are in?" By now I am flat out crying, I try to keep my voice as steady as possible though it is hard to speak when your choking on tears, "We can pray for him there. Right now we need to find out where he is." I was already walking to the phone so I could call Ms. Maria back so she can tell me where they are.
I was already dialing numbers when my mom says, "Oh sweetie. I knew you liked the boy, but I didn't know this much. How did this happen?"
The phone was ringing and I sucked in my tears as I answered, "You know what mom I honestly don't know I kinda just started liking him more and more. Now here I am." My mom was about to say more when they finally picked up the phone. His older sister, Tiffany answered.
"Hello." You could hear that she had been crying in her voice.
"Hi, Tiffany, it's Monique. I was wondering if you could tell me what hospital you guys are at I would like to come and offer as much help as I can."
"Oh, thank you, Monique. You are the first person who has offered. We would love to have your company. We are at St. Joseph's hospital. You've been here before right?"
"Yes, I have we are on our way see you soon." I hung up the phone and there was no longer an expression of grief in my face. I was on a mission to comfort his family as well as I possibly could. "Mom, I need up you to go into the hall closet and grab our bag of loose rosaries. His family might show up and I wanna make sure that we have enough so we can all pray together. There will be more joined prayer there than we could have had here."
"You must care about him an awful lot. Calling his family and thinking of bringing extra rosaries."
"Yes, mom, I do. Now we need to get going. Grab the rosaries and I'll grab the prayer guides."
Then we were on the road, I texted my dad what had happened and where we were going so he could meet us
We arrived at the hospital and walked straight to the information desk.
"Hi, we would like to know which room Erick Martin is."
"He's in room 215, but we only allow 2-3 guests per patient at a time and his family is in there."
"Could you tell us where the closest waiting room to his room is?"
"Yeah, it's down the hall and turn left. The waiting room is on the right."
We follow her instructions and make it to the waiting room. As we arrive Tiffany is leaving her brothers room with a tissue pushed up to her nose as she cries softly and goes to find a seat. I run up to her and hug her I hold in my tears because if we both start crying we'll melt into a sad bucket of tears, and she needs as much strength as she can get right now. I just let her cry into my shoulder for as long as she needed, then she started to tell me everything that had happened. They were called, when they arrived at the hospital, some of the news they were giving from the doctors. It was painfully hard to hear, but it needed to be said.
Mr. Martin walked out of his son's room a little while after my mom had come back with some water for us. I asked if I could go in. He just shook his head yes, as he made his way to Tiffany and my mom.
I walk in scared at what I see. The attractive, "girl magnet" guy I had knew was now hooked up to machines, with a breathing tube in his nose, a cast on his leg, and a blood stained bandage on his head with cuts and bruises all over. My hand flew to cover my mouth and it was about to cry again. His mom was sitting next to him holding his hand he was asleep. She waved hi and I waved back.
I sat in a chair across from his head board. "So Mrs. Martin how long has he been asleep?" She told me he had been taking naps since they got there. He had fallen asleep again about ten minutes ago. I was talking with his mother for a while when finally he woke up.
"Hey mom. Oh, hey Monique, surprise to see u here." Those were the first words he said.
"I should say the same to you." I say in a cheerful tone and smile. I figured whats the point of being all sad and crying the whole time. He wouldn't want that, it would only make him feel worse. We talked and joked for a while, but then the doctor came in to run some tests and I decided to leave to give them some privacy.
More of his family and friends started showing up my mom was out in the waiting room leading rosaries. She was best at leading prayer, while I was better to walk around helping. Not that I can't pray I can, and I did for a long while because others were going into his room I couldn't just go in he needed to see others who cared about him.
Slowly his family started leaving and his friends would pop in every once Ina while but mostly it was very few people. I decided to go back into his room. Maria had never left his side I thought that was a beautiful motherly thing to do.
I walked in and saw him asleep again. Well I mean he did have lots of visitors he should be tired.
I went towards Maria and put my hand on her shoulder. "You should go outside get a drink and breathe in some fresh air it's not good for you to be in here all day. I can stay and watch him while you're gone."
"Oh no I couldn't leave. He's my baby and I would feel bad to leave him."
"It's okay, Ms. Maria. It's not like you're going to leave him unattended you just need to get some air he'll understand."
"I guess okay, but I won't be gone for long."
"Take my mom with you. I know she would love to talk to you."
"Alright." Then she walked out of the room.
I sat there for a while staring out the window. I wasn't just going to watch him sleep until his mom got back. A little over 10 minutes after his mom had left he woke up.
I turned to face him.
"Hey. Good morning, again." I say with a huge smile.
"Hi, what happened to my mom?"
"Oh, I talked her into getting some fresh air she's outside talking with my mom." "Cool, I thought she would stay trapped in this room until I'm let out of here."
"Nah, I'll make sure she gets her daily dose of fresh air. Plus, the doctor said you'll only be in here a couple more days." I say as I start walking towards the chair next to his bed where his mom had been sitting all day. Then, a thought came into my head. 'We're alone together. This is the first time we have been alone together. I have been wanting to tell him I like him, but we are never alone. Here's my chance, I can tell him now.' Even though I was kinda scared of what he would say I figured when else would we be alone.
"Um, Erick I need to tell you something." I say super slowly and unsure of myself. You could tell from the look on his face the he was confused and wondering what in the world I was being so strange to tell him about. "You are very special to me, and I like you as more than a friend." I say, each word falling out of my mouth slow and choppy. "I have for the past year. If you want I can explain, but I just needed to get that off my chest right now."
There was silence for a while. Then he reached for my hand and kissed it. "I am so glad you told me. I have been trying to figure out how I was gonna tell you that I liked you for months. You just helped a whole lot. Who would have thought me getting in a car accident would be what finally got us together." His cheery words were like music to my ears my smile just kept getting wider and wider as he spoke. "So, my movement is very limited right now, but as. Soon as this cast is off I would love to take you on a date. What do you say?"
"I say that's a great idea." I leaned down and kissed him on the cheek. He smiled, I could've sworn I saw him blushing. Ha! That was a major score. His family and my mom came in right when I was lifting my head again. They were all allowed in to say goodnight.
Since they saw me rising up from the kiss, they asked us what had happened while they were gone. We told them everything we could until visiting hours were closed and we had to leave only his mom stayed to spend the night with him.
I am so glad I finally told him it felt so good to get that off my chest and even better that he felt the same way.
~*.*.*.*.*.present day.*.*.*.*.*~
So that what happened. He gets his cast off tomorrow so our first date will be Saturday I'm so excited. I guess if we wanted this crush to go anywhere further one of us needed to Admit It.
Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed it.
That was a very long story. I know, but it was a one shot so I needed to fit as much as possible.
I may if you want me to post an epilogue of their date.
Please comment. It helps spark excitement and ideas.
Do you want an epilogue?
(Answer in the comment section) :-)
P.S. The hardest part of writing the stories is coming up with the names so if you have any in mind please comment them! Thanks! 😊

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