chapter 11

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In no way, shape, or form was Rocket lyeing when he said he was going to cut all of Jayys hair off. As Jayy sat in the barbers chair watching his hair hit the floor in big piles, he literally started crying. This got him weird looks from the hair dressers and other customers but he didn't care.

"why didn't we just have Dahvie cut my hair?" Jayy asked with tears.

"because I control your actions, not his."

When Jayys hair was finished, Rocket paid for it then took Jayy back into the mall. "stop crying!" He yelled at him. "you look like a fool!"

"but my hair..." Jayy cried. "its gone!"

"yes its gone and it makes you look more sexy and less like a woman." Rocket said wrapping his arms around Jayys waste. They began to walk down the isle.

"but I want to look like a woman if it means I have long hair!" Jayy complained.

Rocket stopped dead in his tracks. "excccuuuuse me."

Jayy stuck his tongue out. "you heard me."

Rocket sighed. "fine have it your way, if you want to have your hair like a woman, your going to be a woman."

"what?!" Jayy asked. "im gay im not a transi!!"

"you are now." Rocket said. "I mean it will be hard to get used to saying I have a girlfriend, but it'll work out."

"I am not dressing as a woman!" Jayy screamed again getting weird looks from people near by.

Rocket frowned. "too bad." He said. "I wouldn't have minded seeing you all pretty like. Oh well, I guess I'll just go tell Dahvie and everyone else that..."

"okay! Okay!"  Jayy said. "lead me to my woman hood."

The only text Jayy sent Dahvie from there trip was I've changed now.  He then posted a picture of himself on instagram with him with a painted face from the makeup Rocket had bought Jayy at the mall. Before leaving, Rocket made Jayy apply it in the bathroom. He had to make it seem like he wanted to for his fans and not because he was blackmailed into it.

"We'll get you a wig soon, I promise." Rocket assured him.

On the way home, Jayy dredded seeing Dahvie. He somewhat wished that Rocket would get in a wreck so he wouldn't have to. Unfortunately, the odds were not in his favor.

As soon as Dahvie saw him he freaked out. He grabbed him by the arm and pulled him into his room. He yelled, " what the fuck is on your face? what did this boy do to you?! First no Blow Pops, and now short hair, and this??!!!! Jayy Von Monroe with short hair?!" He took short breaths to calm himself. "I've got to do something about this. It'll only get worse."

Trying to ease the situation, Jayy said, " its not that bad, he could make me do worse..."

"Jayy! Your a girl! He made you put on makeup! You come back from the mall with nothing but bras and dresses! That is a BIG problem. How do you even plan on telling your fans all these spontaneous abnormalities??"

"just tell them they have to except me how I am.... " and Dahvie, I have something to tell you."

"yeah?" Dahvie asked sadly.

Jayy felt nervous. Rocket was right. Dahvie would freak out and never talk to him again but... He needed to know. With everything happenening, and Dahvies concern, he deservered to know everything that happened. "Rocket made me.... Fuck him again." He started crying again. He couldn't handle Dahvie leaving him. Couldn't handle more yelling his life was a mess at the moment...

Dahvie surprised him. He didn't yell, or leave him, instead he pulled him into a big hug and let Jayy cry on his shoulder. "shhh," Dahvie assured him. "I'll handle it... Do I now have permission to beat his ass?"

Jayy slowly nodded in Dahvies shoulder.

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