That night Jayy dreamed of the conversation he had with the red headed girl who he learned was named Aubry.
At first Aubry hugged him and acted as if she was sorry, but then she turned around and said that it wasn't so surprising of a story because she knew that people will do anything to get noticed. And (no offense to Jayy but why would he care now he's a woman) boys enjoy ruining others lifes.
Jayy had told her that he had to do everything that Rocket tells him to. He couldn't, he wouldn't let his fans leave him. Not for something unintentional. They were his life.
He could almost still hear her voice and watch her hair blow in the wind. "whyyy Jayyyy? Whyy can't yourr fannss knnooww???"
"they would judge me!" Jayy cried. "they will leave me and think that I am an evil pedophile!!"
Aubry shook her head. "but Jayyy, I'm yourr fannn-your fan-your..."
Her voice drowned out and the scene changed.
Rocket was sitting on the small counter on the bus swinging his legs back and forth. "Jayy!" He cried. "I'm hungry! Make me food!"
Jayy sighed and opened the fridge looking for something to make for Rocket, but to his surprise it was copletely empty. He could hear Rockets stomach growling Behind him.
"food! Where's my food?!!" Rocket screamed sounding pissed.
"im getting it!!! Chill!" Jayy said checking the Cabnets. Again he found nothing.
"we don't have food!!" Rocket screamed in the worst high pitch voice ever. "im hungry!!! And what I say goes!!!!!!"
"sorry but we don't have food!!!"
"we'll then im going to eat you!!!!" Rocket spontaneously grew in size about ten feet. His mouth swung open like it was broken and he developed long pointy teeth. "let me eat you Jayy! Let me eat you and die!! Die or everyone knows your secret!!!"
Would he rather die than have people know his secret?
Before he had an answer, he raised his arm up to Rocket and Rocket bit it off with his teeth. Blood went flying everywhere as Rocket chomped down Jayys flesh without bothering to close his mouth while chewing.
Yes. He thought. Yes.
Jayys Blood is on the Dance Floor
أدب الهواةBOTDF is a crazy band who, of course, has crazy fans. These fans want to grow up to be just like their Heros, or they are out to get revenge or attention. Rocket Louis just so happens to be one of these fans. With one mistake on Jayys behalf, Rocket...