chapter 3: questing

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F/n pov
After mira woke up and i knew she was fine i decided to pick up charmander and go home as it was almost night. Mira and her siblings decide to go home too. We walk together for a bit talking about ourselves when she says "thanks for saving me from that demon" i smile and say "dont worry i was just doing my job" we continue walking and when we reach our houses we enter our homes.

When i fall asleep i have a very confusing dream about the guild which i couldnt decipher. I get up and realise that i dont have anything to eat so i head to the guild to get a mission.  I put on my combat gear which consists of a black t-shirt a blood red hooded cloak arctic camo combat trousers and blue combat boots as well as a black mask whih covers my lower face. I head to thw guild with the hood and the mask lowered, picking up charmander on the way out.

I arrive at the guild hall and walk through the doors, i notice that the guild is confused as to my outfit so i say "i need to go on a mission and this is what i wear for missions" everyone nods as i walk towards the request board when master says "no matter how powerful you aree i need someone to go with you to ensure that you hold up the morals of the guild on your first quest." I nod and notice natsu looking a bit bores so i walk up to him and say "master said i need a second person to go with me on a quest and you seem vored so, do you want to come with?" He nods and gets pumped up he grabs happy and charmander snuggles into my neck. I grab a quest which says to eliminate some bandits. We look at eah other and nod. We tell master which job we are taking and head out.

Mira pov
I walk into the guild hall and ask master if he has seen F/n and master replies that he has gone on a quest with natsu "why would he go on a quest with someone from Erza's team?" I ask myself when macoa says "well they both have slayer magic so they might feel compelled to fight alongside eachother." Laxus then chimes in with "Who the hell is F/n" master answers his question with "He is the newest member of our guild and a fire devil slayer" laxus looks shocked before saying "someone might actually be able to give me a challenge." I sigh and go to fight erza.

Natsu pov
"Wait were taking the train?" I ask in fear F/n sighs before saying "unfortunatly yes, the quest is to far away to walk" i then try to escape but F/n puts a hand on my shoulder "im assuming you also have trouble with transportation" i nod and he says "then we will suffer together." And he drags me onto the train but he seems to be trembling. Is he scared. We take our seats in an unoccupied area and as the train starts to move F/n starts to act really scared and falls into the feotal position and starts to cry. I would help him but my motion sickness kicks in.

F/n pov
After 2 gruelling hours the train finally arrives at our stop i compose myself, wipe the tears away and grab natsu and drag him out of the train. We arrive shortly at a lavish house just outside of elm town and i knock on the door. I man in a very good looking suit opens it and asks "are you the wizards we hired, i nod and he brings us inside. We then meet the master of the house phillipe who tells us that the bandits are about 1 1/2 miles away to the north and are constantly attacking the town. I nod and then pull my hood and mask up with charmander jumpin of my shoulder and saying "Charmander" signifying he wants to stay put. I think about it for a second before saying "charmander if you dont go with us you wont get stronger meaning that you wont be able to beat that gorrible creature that attacked you." He looks determined and jumps on my shoulder and says "charmander" i smile and me and nastu begin to walk off towards the bandits.

When we arrive i detect 15 incredibly high levels of magic and grab natsu and whisper "there are 15 high magic levels we need to be careful." He nods and jumos straight into the middle of them. He takes out a most of the weaker bandits with a few moves. I then jump in and start engageing some of the stronger bandits in hand to hand combat. I take out 7 pf them like this after aboht 30 minutes and natsu does the same but using magic. The last one is clearly the strongest he hits me and natsj wih a strange black beam which causes us a lot of pain. "I have spent years perfecting magic that could annihilate anyone with slayer magic you cannot win." We stand up slowly and chargw towards him we through a massive amount of punches but he doges most of them im blasted backwards while natsu is tortured with this guys magic. I then activate my magic and fly at him at ungodly speeds and throw a large amount of punches into his spine. He reacts to every single one of them but manages to hold and punches me in the stomach and due to me having an empty stomach i start puking. Natsu then kicks the guy in the headand back flips away. I compose my self and join him.

I then shout "FIRE DEVIL'S RAGE" as a jet of fire erupts out of my mouth natsu also does his roar. They hit the gut square on and im starting to get pissed so i shout "FIRE DEVIL'S WRATH!" As a large amount of fire engulfs me and creates a barrier around me and him. I then shout "FIRE DEVIL TAIL STRIKE" This creates a whip of fire which i wrap around his arm and slam him into the floor with the extra strength given by my wrath ability. I then scream "FIRE DEVIL RAGING FIST" this final strike knocks him unconsious. I then lower the barrier and cancle my wrath ability. I fall to a kneeling position where i am propped up by one leg and an arm. "DUDE THAT WAS BADASS" i hear natsu shout from nearby. I laugh and stand up and he helps me walk back to the house to get our reward.

*time skip*
We arrive back at the guild and master asks how it went and i say "it could of gone better but we were at a disadvantage from the get go. The leader of the bandits had magic designed to destroy people with slayer type magic." Master sighs as i then finally buy some food.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2019 ⏰

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