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"I'm sorry about earlier." The young ravenette apologizes for his previous actions. "Why are you sorry?" Chan questions.

The two of them are sitting on the hallway outside the principals office. Allie was inside with her mother talking to the principal. "Because it's not your job to worry about me." The younger reply's simply.

That statement causes an uneasiness in Chan. "Why not?" He asks nervously. "Because I barely know you." The ravenette states plainly. A burning sensation erupts on Chan's eyes as he looks at Jeongin. How could he possibly say something like that.

At that moment, the older is at a complete loss for all words so he just nods and looks away from Jeongin. It is true, they had not known one another for long but to Chan, he already felt like they had a special connection. And now he knows the other doesn't feel the same way.

But as Chan looked away, the ravenette next to him felt a tug at his heart. Why did he say that? He doesn't have a good answer. The small boy just doesn't want to become 'close' with someone he knows will eventually leave him. With Allie that will never happen because she is family, but with Chan, it's different. He doesn't want to be hurt ever again by anyone.

The silence was unbearable and the stinging sensation on Chan's eyes would not leave. "I should probably get back to class." The blonde states, not even sparing Jeongin a glance. And with that, he stood up and walked down the hallway with his head hung low.

To think he made the situation better by leaving, he was completely wrong. The action only made Jeongin feel worse about what he had said. And how he wishes he would get up and run to Chan and tell him sorry.

But, that doesn't happen. The ravenette watches Chan walk further and finally round the corner, out of sight. "I'm sorry." He whispers to nothing as he looks down at his small hands.

Just after that, Allie and their mother emerge from the principals office, the two saying thank you and goodbye. "Are you ready?" Their mother asks the younger with a soft voice. Jeongin nods and stands, grabbing his bag.

"What happened?" Allie asks as the two sit on the couch. Their mother couldn't stay with them because she had to go back to work. "I just, I don't understand the math. It's so hard and I feel like everyone understands except me." Jeongin explains with a frustrated sigh. "If you ever want to, you can ask me for help." Allie offers with a small smile. Jeongin smiles and nods to the girls suggestion.

Small chapter for everyone!

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