3 berd

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“‘Kay listen, I don't need you criticizing how I live my life.”  (Y/n) snapped in a z-formation while Emile tried to hold back laughter.

“I'm aware of that, but–” a giggle escaped him as he motioned to (y/n).  The patient in question was currently upside down. No, not even upside down.  Literally, folded over themselves on Emile’s couch. Their legs were kind of in a crooked split as they tapped at their phone, and the whole thing just looked really uncomfortable.  Apparently fucking not though.

“You don't know me!”  They huffed, doing a perfect impression of the 😤 emoji.

“I mean, I kinda do, actually.  But doesn't that hurt?” He asked, laughter dying down as it was replaced with genuine concern.  (Y/n) looked up (down?) at him, giving him a soft smile.

“Nah, dude.  I'm like, flexible or whatever.  Check this, BOOM! Ow.” (Y/n) sniggered trying and failing to cut into a wide split.  Emile's eyes widened in concern, but (y/n) waved their hand nonchalantly.

“I’m exaggerating, I'm cool, I swear,” they chuckled.  Emile let out a small hum, relieved. They sat in relative silence for a moment, but Emile barely had time to flip a page in his notebook before (y/n) let out a shout.


Emile must have jumped two feet in the air, eyes wide and his cardigan clutched in a death grip.  “Are you okay?! What ha—”

(Y/n) fucking slid.  They jumped up from their position on the couch, jumped and slid on Emile's desk, knocking over several of his plushies and knick-knacks as they did.  They did it so quickly, Emile was fucking shook when (y/n)'s head bumped into his shoulder.

“Dude, check out this fucking video!”  They smiled, scooting themselves closer to Emile and holding up their phone, but still laying on the desk.  They looked up at Emile's very, very close alarmed face and their own face paled.  They scooted back a bit, lifting their torso up with one arm.

“Oh fuck, I'm really sorry for scaring you.”  They swallowed the saliva building up in their throat, pulling their legs up to sit cross-legged.  “Shit, I just got excited, I guess, I thought you'd like this… fuck, sorry–”  They probably would’ve continued to babble out apologies until they died if Emile hadn’t shushed them gently.

“It's alright, I just got a little spooked is all,” he said reassuringly.  “What was it ya thought I oughta see?” Emile’s smile was soft as he put a hand on their shoulder.  (Y/n) physically brightened, scooching back closer to him. They rambled about the video’s lore as they pressed up against him, leaning their head on his.

Emile watched the video, he really did.  It was funny! But geez, (y/n) was so cold.  Without even thinking about it, he nuzzled closer into their neck.  And then he was thinking about it.

“I honestly can't,” (Y/n) giggled, pulling away from Emile and tapping on their phone.  That was when he realized he had been zoning out for half of that video.

“Here, watch this one too,” They said with a smile, melting back onto his body and holding out a new meme.  He leaned into them too, their bodies slotting together like two pieces of a puzzle— wait, fucking what?!  Oh.  Oh fuck.  He was fucked.  Fuck, fuck, fuck.  Gosh darn diddly fuck all.  Of course he knew what that meant.  He was weird, but he wasn't stupid.  Fuck.

(588 words)


When you dont know how to end things 😫😫

This is the video I imagine them showing him hsjdjs it's pure but also meme it's the perfect combination of sweet and savory


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