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I played ranked games diligently after school.

Actually, diligently didn't cut it. I was playing non-stop, until my eyes were starting to feel square.

Extra_ordinary was put on a hiatus until after the tournament, and I was even more grateful I didn't have to pay Asa fifties anymore - I definitely wouldn't have been able to keep it up now.

It was also rather impossible to keep up the facade of sucking. 

To Landon, Randall, and Camilla it had to look like I made a literal overnight transformation from a random high school amateur to a pro gamer. 

"What's the deal. Are you making someone else play for you, or what?" Randall questioned me first thing in the morning after a long night, many, many matches, and very little sleep. 

"I don't think using money from your college savings is a great idea, Gabe," Camilla chipped in. 

"What?" I laughed, grateful for the distraction so I didn't have answer Randall's question. "I'm not using money from my college savings." 

Landon, Randall, and Camilla exchanged a meaningful glance. 

"But the money has to come from somewhere," Landon stated matter-of-factly. "I know it's not from your parents."  

I lifted my hands in defence. "Girl and guys, I'm not paying anyone, okay?" 

"So we don't get a call that you are in hiding a few weeks from now because you failed to pay some tattooed mob boss on a Harvey back?" 

I snorted. "First of all, a 'mob boss' with that kind of money isn't going to ride on a motorcycle like a driving target. Second, I'm playing myself. I just..." I paused. Before even saying it, I already knew how weak of an excuse I had, but there was nothing else to say. "I just was never serious about this game. Now I am." 

"That's all nice, but we don't live in an anime," Randall bluntly stated. "You can't become a master player in one night. What you're saying is impossible. Stop lying."

 "Uh," I stuttered, feeling myself beginning to sweat. I slowly took a step away. "Did you hear the bell? I think I heard the bell. We got to go! Class is starting!" 

I had never been in more of a hurry to get inside the school building. But French class could get a big middle finger. Mr. Boston couldn't care less if I was there or not anyway. He hardly ever checked names. 

So, the plan was easy: hide out in the bathrooms and then slip into the library with my laptop for some extra playtime. And for once, things worked out as planned. 

After skipping French and getting some quality gaming time in, I spent the next two classes paranoid and waiting for things to go wrong. 

But, lunch time arrived and I made it to the cafeteria unscathed. I didn't feel entirely safe until I made it to the table where Landon, Randall and Camilla were already seated. 

I slipped into the seat opposite Randall. He already opened his mouth to start questioning me again, but I quickly cut him off. 

"No, I'm still not lying. You want proof? I'll show you." 

I unzipped my backpack and placed my laptop plus mouse on the table. 

Landon jumped up from his chair first, opting to sit on my right. Randall joined me on my left, Camilla stood behind me, and there was a distinct kind of unrest in my muscles I couldn't shake. 

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