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I had never seen my Dad's face redder than it was when he exited our school principal's office.

He hadn't yelled at the staff. At least, as far as I knew. I hadn't heard him through the door, but he still looked like he could explode at any moment. 

The principal, who followed my dad outside the office, seemed to realise that too. 

"I'm glad we were able to sort things out, Mr. Hill," the principal tried, clasping his hands together. 

There wasn't a trace of his usual smug attitude anywhere. I wished Dad had allowed me to join their conversation. I wanted to know what I could say to shut that man up, too. Just for future reference.

"Things will be sorted when Gabriel has his computer back and Rolf apologised to him," Dad replied curtly.

I cringed. "Dad, that's not necessary..." I said, already imagining how angry Rolf would be after being forced to say sorry.

Dad would have none of it. He didn't say anything but his chin was jutted out with quiet determination.

I would get the apology whether I wanted it or not.

"Of course Mr. Hill," the principal went along with everything Dad wanted. "Your son will have his computer back and an apology. But since this bet and outing your son took place outside of school grounds,  you can arrange things with Rolf's parents from here on?"

"Yes, because if I waited for you to discipline your students, it'd never happen." Dad nodded, uttering the least sincere ever 'have a good day' before turning and leaving.

I quickly followed.

"Dad, do it outside of school," I pleaded. "I don't need a big scandal in here, okay?"

"We understand and we already made the call," Dad said, before sighing deeply. "Your mom and I understand," he corrected himself. "I don't know how that knobhead became principal. Anyway, Rolf's parents agreed on giving the computer back -- your mom and I are going there to get it back now."

They were going during school hours. That meant Rolf wouldn't find out what was going on until after school, if his parents hadn't already called him. 

"Okay," I said, because it wasn't like I could do anything but agree. Dad's mind was made up. 

He left me with nothing but a pat on the back and a gruff 'later.' No fatherly advice on how to handle getting Rolf in trouble at school. No guarantee I wasn't about to get beat up in some quiet hallway tomorrow.  

Well, no guarantee if it wasn't for Asa, who had texted me he was waiting for me near the entrance.

"They're going to get my gaming PC back," I greeted Asa the moment I saw him sitting on the wall. I reached for my head and dug my fingers into my hair. "Fuck, they're going to get it back and I'm fucked, aren't I?" 

Asa blinked in surprise at my outburst. Then he stood next to me and suddenly his arm was around my shoulder. His lips pressed to mine. In plain sight. 

As he pulled back I stared at him, wide-eyed. My confusion was met with a gentle smile. 

"You're not fucked. Because we'll tell everyone we're together. And I will tell people that if they as much as touch a hair on your head, they'll be sorry." 

The school would believe it. I knew it was actually kind of funny if Asa threatened people, considering he was a caring person with a paper-thin rough exterior. But nobody else was in on that joke. 

"You could get in trouble," I murmured. 

"I think we already are, Gabe." 

Asa's tone was light, playful. He pointed at the parking lot, where I caught a glimpse of my Mom's smile through the window of the moving car. 

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