Young Xehanort and Young Eraqus in attempt to confess

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Let's write something gay
It will take a very long time before both will realize to have feelings for the other. It's not like they where expecting they are attract by another boy...especially if that boy is their best friend.
In fact, it will be difficult for both of them to accept that. It will be not easy to confess neither, for fear to lose their friendship that also lasted for so long...
─ ❝God, this is fucking crazy.❞ Thinks Xehanort, frustrated, a hand running over his hair. Why to all the people in the world he must fall in love with him? He refuse to lose his closest friend, but on the other hand, he doesn't know for how long he will manage to hold his feelings. He almost doesn't have control on them, he...he need to talk with someone. But the only person who really can understand his problems is...him.
─ Eraqus will be scared for what is going to happen in the future; He's not looking his dearest friend in the usual way anymore. ❝This is so wrong. I mean...he's my best friend, we see each other everyday and...and...he's a male...❞ But even if in a situation like this, he tries to calm himself and thinks to follow what his heart tells him to do. Their Master always told them to hear the heart first, but is this the case?
─ Xehanort can't just control himself. He need to spread out his emotions, he's becoming crazy. Even if he will rejected, he had to confronts him...or what he consider now, the light in his darkness.
─ Both of them begin to rush over the other, and when they finally find each other, they're panting hard, hands on their knees.
─ Their golden and sky blue eyes are locked, and after a couple of silent minutes, they stop panting. They skipped a beat when they meet again.
─ Xehanort reach out a arm towards his friend, the words escaping from his mouth, ❝Era...❞
─ ❝Xehanort...I have to tell you something. It's important.❞
─ The silver-haired male is shocked. He doesn't remember the last time when Eraqus looked so serious, but nods. ❝S-sure. What is it?❞
─ The pale pink shade on Eraqus' cheeks make Xehanort more confused than he already his. What is going on inside his head...? Is he...blushing!? No way...he's just misunderstand that, even if they are in the middle of winter. He probably catch a cold, he...he can't tell him what he feels. He's too scared to lose his dearly Eraqus.
─ ❝Sorry, my friend...We'll talk about this later, okay━?❞ That's when he feels a hand grab his arm. Xehanort glance the hand, and sees Eraqus that had stopped him, the red in his face is growing harder.
─ ❝Xehanort...there's something I have to tell you right now. I can't just handle it, I...I want to do what my heart feels right. And this seems to be the opportunity to tell you that I'm...y-yes, I... I━❞
─ ❝I love you!❞ With a finger on Eraqus' mouth, Xehanort shouts these words. The silver-haired male would slap himself right in the face for having said that loud out of the blue, but if he just hadn't force himself, he wouldn't sure if he'd be finally free of such a weight like now.
─ Eraqus can't express what he just heard, his mouth dropping in surprise. ❝Xe-Xeha... We can't...this is...wrong...❞
─ ❝And who cares?❞ Eraqus looks up to the other boy, his eyes shining. ❝We're both males, right; But who's to say we can't be a couple? Do you...want this?❞
─ A smile curls over the corners of Eraqus' lips, and he nods. ❝I love you too.❞  

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