How the Foretellers act when they realize they're in love/has a crush?

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I don't have nothing to do today, so here.


─ He's too focused on preserve the events that lead to the future and holding the balance between the Unions to spend time with you. It's not a case he usually stays alone;
─ But, after being begged by you to him to try to find a little dose of free time, you manage to talk a little more;
─ Time passed while you kept meeting and chatting alone, finding out that both have so many things on common...when he "suddendly" feels that something has changed;
─ Talking with you helps him distract from his costant exhausting work, but on the other hand, he can't stop thinking about his own role;
─ But then, after a few weeks, he becomes suspicious. He notice that he's enjoying your company, even if he doesn't show it much;
"For how long I'm feeling like this?" he questions himself;
─ We know he tends to make quick assumptions, so it's easy for him to believe he's having a crush on you;
─ Unfortunately, he'll never talk to anybody about this. Neither you.


─ She's your friend for a long time, so you two are really close. But she never considered to see you as something more;
─ Ava loves spend time with you, so she doesn't suspect anything;
But then, after a silly and teasing question by you about her having a boyfriend, she starts to froze;
─ She never thinks about it, and she's not that interested about this kind of things. Then, why from that moment, she seem to see you in a different way?
─ There's nothing wrong, sure. But her prudent side asks her if she really want this...
─ She'll confront you and calmly confess her "problem", eyes darted to the ground while both of you are sitting on the edge of the fountain;
─ "What this sensation is called...?", "Is this wrong?"
─ If you will return her feelings, she'll act in a very childish way, suddendly hugging your shoulders. But then, after realizing this, she pulls away and the scarlet on her cheeks is visible underneath her fox mask.


─ She also never considered the possibilty that she could fall in love with someone. She's too focused on her own role, as their Master desires;
─ She tends to stay alone most of the time, but you will join her. She'll be neutral about it: even after weeks, maybe months...
─ It's when she begin to enjoy your company that she notices that something feels strange in the atmosphere;
"Could I start to like s/o in that way...?"
─ She doesn't know how to do to get rid of that question that keeps echoing in her head. But, when Ava catch her absorbed in her own mind asks if there's something wrong, she'll return to act normal with a no, continuing to do whatever she's doing;
"It will be temporary." she tells herself.


─ After finding out there's a traitor among the Foretellers, he hasn't faith in nobody. He can't accuse you, as you aren't an apprentice of the Master of Masters, so you couldn't have the Lost Page in your possesion;
─ So he decides to take you in the alliance founded by Aced...
─ You're aware that these kind of things are forbidden, and try to convince both of them that they're doing the wrong choice: but they will simply ignore you;
─ You sigh in surrender, afraid that the two could do something crazy, knowing their temper. So you temporary "fake join" them;
─ After finding out the Aced's situation when everyone was thinking he was the traitor, you don't will hesitate to rush over Gula and immediatly asks Invi where is he;
─ You will find him uncosciouns with Ava keeping an eye on him, and when he wakes up, he will be surprised to find both of you there;
─ Gula will tell you that he wants the Master to return by summoning Kingdom Hearts, but you will stop him by hugging him and gently whispers that's not possible;
─ From that moment, he feels a knot forming into his gut. Could it be...?
─ "Love? Bullshit!"
─ But with time, he will realize it's all true, and not just an illusion. Infact, he's a little scared at the idea of being in love with someone, but after some time he will talk you about it, asking you what you want to do.


─ He is so obsessed by taking over the Master that he even not realize there it could be such a positive emotion like love;
─ He's clearly arrogant in confront of everybody, even you. He doesn't manage to shake you off, you that continue to "torment" him by trying to soften him up;
─ At first, he will shout you to leave him alone...but you keep insist;
─ He then tries to shrug it off: he won't let the darkness consume him;
─ Even so, he will learn from you that you can understand him when something goes wrong━and then, most of the time;
─ It's on a sigh he will give up, and secretly admit that your lively personality it's helping him to feel better. He is enjoying being at your side: in those moments, he feels all the problem gone;
─ But then, it will arrive the time when he realizes that staying with you is being dangerous;
"There is no way I could have fallen for that kid!" he yelled to himself;─ It will be more difficult for him to admit that he unconsciously develops a crush on you, but he will try to not think about it too much.  

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