What you looking at?

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I start off the school morning by groggily chomping through my weetabix whilst cussing at myself for leaving the bike. It wasn't like it had cost me anything-the agency had supplied it for me many years ago- but still.

Eventually I manage to tug on some school clothes after a quick, cold shower and find myself plonking my bum down on a seat in the school bus. Now that wasn't so hard was it? Maybe if I attempt to actually pay attention in class, I might be able to forget the whole bike situation- hopefully that is. The bus weezes to a steady stop and I reluctantly get off.

Sounds of parking cars. People laughig. People arguing. The bell searing out its sound. School; I couldn't think of anything more vulgar. Teen girls lathering on layers upon layers of makeup to give the boys a beautiful mask to look at and boys testing how high they can make their hair stand up on end without it flopping during the school day.

These children have no meaning, just to look good. They are so unaware of the secret society lurking under them. Any moment and one of their throats may be slit and it would be up to my agency to hunt down the murderer. Simple, silly things.

I trudge down the hallway to my first lesson of the day: maths. Oooh, maths. Trying to figure out complex equations when I fully know I'll never use them in my future life; maths.

"Settle down now children, the bell has gone and lessons have started!" Mrs Bell chimes away- her voice is so ironic given her name. "Because today we will be cracking down on some hard algebra!"

Sh*t. I hate algebra.

Knowing that I'm already not going to pay attention much this lesson, I watch my teacher as she tries to explain the difference between an x as a times sign and an x in alebra to some kid in the corner.

"Understand now, good?" she says, standing back up infront of the class. "Also, we will be having 2 new students joining us today so we want to give them the best impression as possible by working really hard!"

That got no response- it didn't really earn it to be honest.

Whoever these two knew people were, I knew that one of them would have to next to me. Why couldn't I just be able to work without sitting next to someone? I really hate socializing with the public ESPECIALLY with a bunch of idiotic teenagers!

"Ah, here we are." says Mrs Bell, eagerly grabbing the door handle. " Say hello class."
I keep my head down and chorus in as the class say a drowsy 'hello' and return back to my algebra worksheet.

"Isabelle?" I look up to see Miss. "You don't mind if Gray sits here with you from now on do you?"

Of course I bloody mind!

"Uhm no, it's fine" I mumble through my textbook.

As he sits down, I am drowned and choked by the stench.

"Hi, I'm Gray." he says bluntly.

Should I turn around to see what he looks like? Maybe be a bit more friendly?

"I'm Isabelle."

"Nice name," he pauses as if dithering on whether to carry on or not. "Want a cigarette?"

I practically snort before reminding myself that he's new. "Uhm no thanks, I don't like the smell of smoke."

"Oh, ok." is all I get.

"So what brings you here?"

"Uhm, it's complicated." he replies, stealing a quick glance behind him.

"Is that the other new kid?" I ask.


"The guy you just looked at, you know him?"

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