#4 in highschool 💗
Ayanna Jackson had a fairytale life. She lived in a rich estate in new jersey and ruled her private high school, Weston, alongside her best friend Charlotte and Max for as long as she could remember.
Then without warning her who...
I walked around for a long while planning exactly how to bring Max and Charlotte to their demise, before deciding I looked kind of (ok very) pathetic and turning to walk back home.
"AYANNA! Where have you been, I know you were upset but to disap-" my mum yelled as soon as she caught me in sight but I walked right past her and into the house cutting her off mid sentence.
I stormed up to my room faintly aware that she was following me. I flung open my doors and just as I suspected everything on my desk was gone undoubtedly in one of the large suitcases she was packing away. I walked over to my wardrobe just to be sure and (go figure) it was empty.
I began frantically pulling out drawers but it was all empty. Suddenly, white-hot rage overwhelmed me. How could she just box up my things like my opinions didn't even matter?
I continued angrily ransacking my drawers but then she came up to me and stopped my hand mid air before I could pull out another drawer.
"I packed everything away, I won't be able to take it all in one trip, but I wanted it all boxed up... So, I'd have to spend as little time as possible here when I come to collect the rest." She babbled.
When I finally turned to face her I noticed how drained she appeared like she'd spent the past hours packing. A part of me wanted to cut her some slack. That part of me wasn't strong enough however.
"You could have waited till I got home before packing up all my things. I mean what's the rush? I have a whole lifetime left for you to ruin." I blanched and admittedly I was happy to see her flinch. Good.
"Honey, I know you're upset but don't take that tone with me. I'm your mama like it or not" She snapped.
We stared each other down for a few minutes before I eventually had to give in.
"Whatever. When are we leaving? " I asked her making my way to the door.
"Now." She replied matter-of-factly. As if she wasn't altering my whole existence by uprooting me from everything and everyone I know.
"WHAT?!!" I yelled.
"Yes, your dad is staying with a friend right now. I told him to leave for a couple days so I could think. And I have thought. I want to leave before he comes back." She replied with a big sigh.
"We can't just go. I need to say goodbye to everyone and..." I argued but as I said it I realised there was no one I really wanted to say bye to anymore. Charlotte and Max were officially dead to me. I wasn't going to let her know that though.
My hands curled into fists. "FINE!" I yelled and slammed the door. I grabbed my keys from the table near the door and raced to my car. I sat there sulking for a while before I heard a little tap on the car window. I rolled down the window and rolled my eyes, hard.
"What." I snapped.
"We aren't taking your car now, we're going in mine. I'll have your dad drop off your car later."
I didn't respond, I got out of the car making sure to slam the door extra hard before entering the passenger seat of her car. A few minutes later we were on the road.
After a few moments, I decided I'd better ask her where exactly I was being hauled to and she told me we were going to live with her sister Rhonda in Colorado. I had vague memories of her from when I was young but we barely speak to my mum's side of the family so she might as well have told me I was being forced to live with a complete stranger.
The drive from new jersey to Colorado was about a day I found out from google. It was Thursday evening around 7:00 (god knows why school started on a Thursday... what's even the point in that?) why in the world were we driving to Colorado in the middle of the night. My stomach grumbled reminding me I was starving.
It was going to be the longest car ride ever. I was a pro at the silent treatment but then again so was she. I stared out the window, arms folded, she simply turned on the radio. I sighed loudly and she reached turned up the volume.