Chapter 6

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Picture of Lola on the side.

{Sasha's POV}

Riley was of course sitting on his nest in our home while I ate some Wendy's. I sighed thinking about Lily. "Do you think she's going to be ok?" I asked Riley, who nodded. "She's a good girl, and those people seem ok." I looked at Riley as I wiped my mouth. "A guy who was smoking around the students just snapped at me and acted like an animal!" I said crossing my arms and remembering the smell of that smoke.

Riley shrugged fixing the nest. I casually looked out the window and sighed. "Do you think we might need a place to stay like Lily said? I mean... maybe Genosha isn't so bad. Mutants go there every day to escape this."

Riley looked at me. "And the X-Men?" I shrugged. "I don't know.. Their manison seems like an easy place for the MRD to just come and take the mutants. I just don't feel safe there."

"Lily did." Riley flew over and landed on my shoulders. I looked at him then back out the window. "Let's go to Genosha." I said and went out the fire escape and Riley flew above me. "Are you sure it's a good idea? I heard this Magneto guy runs in and he is a mutant terrorist." I started walking to the docks. "A terrorist who has an island thats safe for mutants." I said to Riley as I waited for a ship.

I tapped my foot and whistled while I waited for the boat. Riley rested on my shoulders. I noticed a cargo ship go on the docks, and I saw a few mutants paying the man to go to the ship. I looked at Riley. "Price for freedom eh?" I chuckled and Riley just rolled his eyes.

I looked at the money I had left and started walking towards the cargo ship. The man looked at you. "Wheres the money?" I glared at him. "Watch your tone, and how much?" He gave me a dirty look. "50 bucks." My eyes widen. "Are you kidding me?"

"No money, no ride. Now leave you stupid mutant." he growled at me. I gave him a death glare. "I'm pretty sure Magneto won't stand for this." The man rolled his eyes. "Who gives a crap about that freak."

I walked away. Riley looked at me. "So.. What are we gonna do?" he asked. "We go to Plan B." I smiled, and Riley looked at me confused. "Plan B?" I nodded as I flew abroad the cargo ship. Riley narrowed his eyes at me. "Sasha... they might find you here!"

I flew on top of one of the cargo boxes, they have a sheet covering over it. I quickly made a mini tent with the boxes and the sheet and sat down. "I still don't think it's a good idea." said Riley. "Relax and just enjoy the free ride!" I teased and relaxed a bit. I ate some of my chips that I brought with me, as Riley kept me updated on how far it was to Genosha.

After I took a mini nap, Riley woke me up. "We're here!" he said. I looked out of the sheets, seeing the island of Genosha. "Wow. It really does look like it said it would look." Riley flew above me. "I think we can fly to it at this distance." he said and I nodded. I flew up and to the island of Genosha. I landed on the nice sands of the island and Riley landed on my shoulders.

"Looks can kill Sasha." said Riley being all worried. I rolled my eyes. "What can possibly go wrong?" Riley flew out of my shoulders and went in front of me. "Oh I don't know. The island is ran by a mutant terrorist?!" I scoffed and walked around the island for a bit. "Quite homie." I smiled looking at all the mutants being free and using there powers out in public.

"Well, ain't you a sight to see here mate." said a familiar voice. I turned around to see who it was. Of couse, that Australian boy, Pyro. I rolled my eyes at him. "Well I guess they'll just let in any mutant here these days." I crossed my arms, glaring at him. Pyro chuckled a bit. "Sasha was it? Huh. I always thought you were more on Magneto's side then those X-Man." He said.

I rolled my eyes. "I'm not on any side." Pyro looked at me. "Then why are you here?"

"Freedom really."

"This could be everywhere. If Magneto has his ways. And maybe you could help."

"I don't help terrorists. Now if you excuse me." I walked away from Pyro and kept exploring the island. At dusk, I say down near the shore, watching the waves. Riley of course, next to me. I sighed. "Riley, I've been thinking.. This home.... It's just..." I sighed again. "I makes me just think about all those mutants back at the MRD prison. All they wanted was this. But they're stuck there and can't have what they want..."

Riley looked at me. "Sasha.. You're thinking about going back just so you can risk your life for a few others?" I shrugged and looked at Riley back, standing up and nodding. "Yea.. I'm gonna go do that." I started walking to the docks at Genosha. I sat down, waiting for a ship. Then, of course, Pyro walked up to me.

"Leaving so soon mate?" he asked, in which I nodded. "Why?" he asked

"Because. This place just isn't my style."

"So you rather be hunted with a target on your feathers then being free?"

I shrugged. "Every bird is used to that." I said as a ship docked and I flew in it. Pyro watched me as I flew on the ship. I again, hid myself and waited until I was back in New York.

After I returned back to my old building, and got some rest.

I went out of the fire escape at the morning as I decided to go for a little walk. Then, of course, I saw a poster for a mutant rally. I narrowed my eyes as I saw the poster, and went to the location of it. There, I leaned against a tree there and Riley on a branch.

"Why do you wanna be at this rally?" asked Riley looked at me. "One, I can see what they're going to throw at the mutants, and two, Ben is going to be there."

"You still like him?"

"Hell no."

I waited until the rally began. I looked over at a limo who had pulled over at the rally. Senator Kelly, Ben, and two people I didn't know walked out. One had grey hair and a grey beard, the other had blonde hair, bright blue eyes and had a long trench coat. I wonder why he had that. I waited and waited then finally it started.

"Ladies and Gentleman. We have a new project that has been installed this day forward. The Sentinel Stalker!" announced Kelly as Ben took off a sheet covering the mechine. Ben had the control button.

"As you see, this is used to find the x-gene in the blood, which will track mutants easily. Show them."

Ben nodded as he presses the button the turn it on. I made sure to hid behind the tree so it won't shot me. The people awed. Then, suddenly, as the Stalker was scanning, it spotted a mutant in the crowd, and starting going for it.

The girl started running away, I saw her, as I decided to help and spread my wings and flew after them. The girl shot a few mutants at them, but they didn't look like normal weapons. Like as if they were mental weapons. The girl ran through the streets and I finally dropped on of the Stalker and started stabbing it with my talons.

The Stalker was taking damage but then it through me off. I few on the ground as the girl looked back and throw two mental spears at the Stalker. That slowed it down, as a man with white angel wings came on top of the Stalker and ripped out it's wires from my talon cuts that I made on it.

As the "Angel" looked at us, I realized he was the same man from the rally. He check on the girl and I. "You two ok?" he asked. I nodded and the girl ran over to me to help me up. "Thanks to you both." I rubbed my head.

"Me? I should be thanking you two." said the girl. The "Angel" then flew away as I stood up putting my hoodie back on. "Name Lola." said the girl.

"Sasha." I said.

"Thanks for saving me, like I said."

"Hey it's not problem."

"No really. I could of died."

I smiled at her. "Go, go to your home."

Lola nodded. "Thank you again." She ran off to wherever her home was. I looked over at Riley.

"R, we got a lot of work to do if we want to take on the MRD. And we gotta make sure we do it so they won't get back up."

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