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Mary Tudor is stunned by her father's announcement. The king's arrogance knows no bounds. He intends to use me as a pawn, marrying me off to a member of his council, regardless of my wishes. I refuse to be shackled in a marriage of convenience. I would rather face the harsh wilderness alone than be bound in an unwanted union. I will not bear children for the devil's spawn that now influences my father, who has strayed from the true path of faith.

The courtiers' delight at the king's decree sickens me, and I long to cleanse my soul of their sycophantic approval. Fleeing the palace, I seek solace in the garden, where memories of happier times with my mother flood my mind. I yearn to escape the present, to return to a time before my life became entangled in my father's political machinations.

As voices call out my name, I retreat further into the maze, determined to evade detection. Surely, God would not subject me to such cruelty, to be paraded like a prize for all to see.

Gathering my courage, I lifted my skirts and dashed through the maze, my heart pounding in my ears

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Gathering my courage, I lifted my skirts and dashed through the maze, my heart pounding in my ears. Each step carried me further from the constraints of the palace, and I felt the soft grass yield beneath my hurried pace. With the rustling of my skirts and the gentle caress of the wind on my skin, I embraced the fleeting sense of freedom.

"Lady Mary!" My maid's voice pierced the air, pleading for my return, but I could not relent. My father's oppressive grip on my life had kept me captive for too long, like a bird in a cage, subjected to his whims and desires. For years, I endured the tyranny of Anne Boleyn's influence, my brother's arrogance, and the suffocating expectations placed upon me.

But amidst the chaos, there were memories of my mother, her voice like a soothing balm to my soul. She would read to us by the fountain, recounting tales of her homeland, Spain, and the courtly life she once knew. Her stories painted a vivid picture of a world filled with beauty, culture, and love for God, far removed from the cruelty of my father's court.

My mother's love for my late uncle, Prince Arthur, was palpable in her words, a bittersweet reminder of the life she could have had. Yet, she had sacrificed her happiness for the sake of England, enduring my father's selfishness and cruelty in silence.

As I fled into the sanctuary of the garden, the footsteps of my maid echoed behind me, urging me to fulfill my father's demands. But I refused to be a pawn in his game of politics and power. Instead, I vowed to dedicate my life to God, to become a bride of Christ and shield myself from the corruption of the world.

"No," I declared firmly to my maid, "I will not be a pawn in my father's schemes. I will not marry. I choose to be wedded to Christ."

In that moment, I found solace in the knowledge that my faith would guide me through the trials ahead. Though my father may seek to control me, I would remain steadfast in my devotion to God, for He alone would be my protector and salvation.

𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓦𝓸𝓻𝓭𝓼 𝓞𝓯 𝓘𝓷𝓷𝓸𝓬𝓮𝓷𝓬𝓮Where stories live. Discover now