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The king's slumber is interrupted by the stirrings of the palace, as dawn breaks and the day begins anew. Despite the remnants of passion lingering in the air, he awakens to find his bed empty, his lover's departure leaving him longing for more. Yet, amidst the solitude, a sense of gratitude pervades, as he revels in the opportunity to seize the day and prove himself once more.

As attendants bustle about the palace, attending to their duties, the king yearns for the freedom of the outdoors, the thrill of riding and hunting beckoning him from his bedridden state. With a sigh of relief, he calls for the windows to be opened, welcoming the crisp morning air and the promise of a new day.

Determined to reclaim his mobility, the king resolves to consult Master Holbein regarding a new invention that may aid him in walking again. His determination to overcome his illness and rule England with strength and vigor burns bright within him, driving him to action.

Thoughts turn to matters of state, as the king reflects on his daughter Mary's situation and his desire to see her prosper. Despite their differences, he hopes to mend their relationship and secure her future through alliances and support.

Eager to assert his authority, the king refuses to succumb to the limitations imposed upon him, insisting on rising from his bed and attending to his duties. Despite the protests of his physicians, he insists on being carried to his chair, ready to address matters of governance and legacy.

With the weight of his responsibilities upon him, the king takes pen to parchment, composing letters to his children and heirs, affirming his love and expectations for their future. Amidst the turmoil of courtly affairs, he finds solace in the knowledge that his lineage is secure, his legacy assured.

 Amidst the turmoil of courtly affairs, he finds solace in the knowledge that his lineage is secure, his legacy assured

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As I settle at the desk, the scent of ink fills the air, a familiar companion to the tasks at hand. My gaze sweeps over the loyal servants, grooms, and assistants who have faithfully tended to my needs. Dr. Mason steps forward, placing quill and parchment before me with concern etched on his features.

"Sire, is it wise for you to remain seated? Your health remains fragile, and exposure to the open air may exacerbate your condition," he cautions, his voice laced with worry.

Ignoring his admonitions, I dip the pen into the inkwell, asserting my independence in the face of his concerns. "Quiet, Mason. I am well aware of my capabilities. The fresh air will invigorate me, and I will do as I please. Should you wish to retain your position, I suggest you refrain from challenging my decisions. Finding a replacement for you would be a regrettable inconvenience, wouldn't you agree?"

My words hang in the air, a pointed reminder of my authority. Dr. Mason bows low, acquiescing to my will with a hint of discomfort evident in his demeanor. Despite the sting of my rebuke, he knows better than to question my judgment again.

𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓦𝓸𝓻𝓭𝓼 𝓞𝓯 𝓘𝓷𝓷𝓸𝓬𝓮𝓷𝓬𝓮Where stories live. Discover now