Chapter 12

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Before I knew it we were at the Dolan's house.
"Do you guys wanna train again today?" Ethan asked me and Vic.
"Sure thing babe." Victoria said pecking his cheek. He blushed. The rest of us laughed. The five of us walked into the basement.
"Ok I'm gonna go into the bathroom and shift. Let's go Vic." I said as me and Vic left to go to the bathroom. I walked into the bathroom and stripped. I then thought about my wolf and Grayson and I felt myself on my four paws. Me and Vic then went back into the basement in our wolf forms to see 3 other wolves.
I saw Cameron'a wolf. It was a dark grey wolf with black and lighter grey patches of fur. She also had purple eyes. I walked up to Grayson and licked the side of his face. His eyes started to glow when they made contact with mine. Grayson broke the eye contact and tilted his head towards the treadmill in the corner. I nodded yes.
I spent about 20 minutes on the treadmill until I was exhausted. Grayson titled his head upstairs. We walked upstairs and shifted back into humans. I put on a black nike sports bra and a pair of matching athletic shorts. Grayson put on a pair of basketball shorts hanging dangerously low. I couldn't help but stare at his chiseled chest and his deep V-line. Grayson caught me starring cause my eyes started to glow. Damn. What is this boy doing to me.
"The same thing you're doing to me." Grayson said smirking.
"Did I really say that out loud?" I asked. He nodded his head yes and I blushed.
"Don't worry babe this is all for you." He said connecting our lips. Our lips felt like they belong together, like they've been missing his all my life. The kiss was turning into a make out as Gray started to grab my ass, making me gasp and I felt his tongue enter my mouth. Our tongues fight for dominance which of course he won. We broke apart as both of us were breathless.
"Rose! Gray! Are we still training or what?!" I heard Ethan yell.
"We'll be right down there!" I yelled back. I looked at Grayson and I blushed. Grayson grabbed my hand intertwining our fingers and we walked back into the basement.
"So I think the best thing that we can do is have Me and Gray fight, and then Rose and Vic fight. And the winners fight each other." Ethan said when we walked down the stairs. Cam cleared her throat. "And Cam can be the referee." Ethan finished saying. We all nodded. Ethan and Grayson both walked on the mat in the middle of the room.
"Ready to lose bro?" Ethan taunted Grayson by saying.
"I don't know. I think you should ask yourself that." Grayson fired back.
"3, 2, 1! Fight." Cameron announced. And with that Ethan punched Grayson's jaw. I put my hand on my jaw, I felt that punch. I feel Grayson's pain. Grayson then punched Ethan's nose. And out of the corner of my eye i could see Victoria grab her nose in pain. Grayson punched Ethan's side and got him down onto the floor.
Cameron whistled.
"Grayson wins!" Cameron announced. Grayson held out his hand and Ethan grabbed it. Then just laughed it off and instantly they both healed and I no longer felt pain.
"Good job babe." I said to Grayson as I kissed his cheek.
"I think you missed." He said pointing towards his lips. I pecked his lips. "Now it's your turn to kick some ass." Grayson said slapping my ass. I gasped and walked onto the mat. I looked at Victoria to see her smiling playfully I also smiled.
"You're going down." I said trying to keep a straight face, but I failed and burst out laughing. Victoria also started laughing.
"3, 2, 1! Fight." Cameron yelled. Victoria took the first punch, hitting me on the cheek. I then punched Victoria in the eye. She came back and punched my jaw. I punched her side twice in a row and she fell on the floor.
Cameron whistled.
"Rosalina wins!" Cameron yelled. I grabbed Victoria's hand and help her up. We started to laugh again. We healed our selves while Vic walked off the mat and I stayed standing there.
"Grayson please stand on the mat." Cam said. Grayson walked onto the mat.
"Are you sure about this Cam?" Gray asked worriedly.
"I mean if you guys beat your twins that means you're the only matches for each other. Probably because you're mates." Cam explained.
"I don't wanna hurt you babe." Grayson said turning to me.
"Don't worry. This will just make us stronger." I said smiling.
"3, 2, 1! Fight." Cameron said. I took the first swing and hit next to Grayson's eye. But I also felt it. Grayson then punched me on my jaw. We kept fighting for what felt like hours until we both fell of exhaustion.
"Well I guess there is no winner." Cameron said giggling. Me and Grayson got up and healed ourselves.
"Ugh. That was awful. Every time I hit Gray it would hurt me two times more." I complained.
"Well at least now we know why we're mates." Grayson said. We all nodded and started laughing. We walked back upstairs and started watching a horror movie on Netflix. The entire time I was cuddled into Grayson. When the movie ended the front door opened and there was...

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