Clint Barton

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I like coffee, that's a lie, I don't like coffee, I love coffee. Best thing like ever. I guess that's something you should know about me. I'm really good at archery, like really good. Never miss a shot. I don't even have to look. My back story isn't too deep I guess.

My parents are still alive. I live in a small apartment with them. It's a pretty cool place. The coolest part of my history would be when I met Nat.

I went to Russia, practically forced to go. I never regret the decision now, because I met Natasha. Her beautiful red hair, that just shimmers in the sun. With her eyes that show so much emotion, yet gives you the knowledge she can, and will, snap your neck. They looked so old yet so innocent.

Anyways, yeah I went and found out that it wasn't a great place. It was an awful town and I had to help her. So I did the best thing that I could and snuck her in America. Sweet move I know right. Let's just say I was grounded for a year, and Nat, she went into hiding. We met up as often as we could. She now goes to our school. Which is great because she's like, my only good friend. Also one of the few people can talk to me, and I understand what I'm saying.

See, I'm 80% deaf, which is like really deaf. So unless I have hearing aids, I rely on sign language and peoples lips. Like reading what they are saying.

Now as you already know, Nat is like my only good friend. Yeah, I have other friends like Steve or Bruce, but Nat is the main one. We like having discussions in the middle of class. We don't get in trouble because, sign language.

So yeah, I have a pretty basic normal life, besides being deaf, and like always having a bandaid, and my obsession with coffee, which Nat says is unhealthy. I don't care though. I've already had a cup and I'm still waiting for Nat at this nice old coffee shop. 

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