Disobeying Orders, Again

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All Anakin Skywalker could do is stare at the metal, gray ceiling. After hours of constant tossing and turning, he accepted the fact that there was no way he was getting any sleep tonight, for the events that conspired that day left his mind racing. He threw the covers off of him in frustration and sat up on the edge of the bed with his face buried into the palms of his hands. Anakin could not take his mind off of his former padawan. What had she been up to this past year that was so important for her not to contact him? How did the Republic manage to get a hold her and convince her to join the battle again? What if the Separatists capture her and the clones when they try to escape Shili? They would surely torture her for information, or worse, kill her...... 

Kill her....... The thought sent chills down Anakin's spine. He couldn't bear to lose her again and he would kill the vile person who would dare harm her or take her away from him forever. Anakin knew what he had to do. 

He had to go to Shili. He changed from his sleepwear back into his black Jedi robes, grabbed his lightsaber from the nightstand, and quietly walked to the door of the room. Obi-wan was in the room next door, and he didn't want to wake him up. His master would for sure kill him if he discovered Skywalker disobeying orders again. Anakin outstretched his hand, used the force to slowly slide the door open, and slipped out of the dark room. He tiptoed down the long hall until he reached the hangar his ship was docked in. He began to activate the ship and prepare it for takeoff when he heard a knocking sound coming from one of the many entrances to that hangar.

"Now, Anakin," a voice boomed, "If you are going to disobey orders and try to sneak your way into Shili, you are going to have to be smarter than this." Anakin spun his head around to see the Jedi master leaning against the hangar entrance with his arms folded. Skywalker couldn't help to roll his eyes at the sight of Obi-wan getting in his way once again.

"So you caught me," he irritability sighed.

"I know you better than you think, Anakin," Kenobi chuckled, "It was only a matter of time before you would rebel. Besides, I couldn't sleep with whatever you were doing on the other side of the wall, so I thought I might as well make use out of this sleepless night." The Jedi master's face formed a contagious grin that Anakin soon copied.

"I am sorry, but you know I need to see her and you cannot stop me, just tell the council I left during the night and you didn't catch me until it was too late."

"All right, Anakin, but may I offer some advice?" Obi-wan asked. Anakin nodded his head in return and Kenobi continued, "Shili is under Separatist occupation, which is why the clones are going in an undetectable ship. I know this is just my opinion, but I think they can recognize a Jedi starfighter. You might rethink your plan a bit." Obi-wan gestured to the gray cargo ship resting in the corner of the large room.

"Perhaps, Master," Anakin replied. Obi-wan left his post at the entryway and began to walk towards Skywalker.

"Just be careful, please," Obi-wan begged as he placed his hand on Anakin's shoulder. Anakin nodded his head in return and began to head for the ship the clones would be taking that morning. He activated the door to the ship as Kenobi shouted, "and I would prefer you two to come back here alive! May the force be with you."

"No promises, Master, may the force be with you," Anakin returned, entering the ship that would reunite him with his former padawan. The ship that would bring happiness back into his life. The ship that would answer all of his questions. The ship that would restore the balance of the force within himself.

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