A Love as Pure (1)

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                                   3 Years Later

Beep! Beep! Beep!

Groaning, I rolled over slapping my hand on the snooze button. Who in the world set my alarm for 6 A.M. on a Saturday? I moved to get up knowing that it would be impossible for me to go back to bed. I brushed my teeth and got ready, thinking about which of my roommates I was going to kill for setting my alarm that early.

Once I walked into the kitchen I saw the culprit sitting at the table and she was lucky I didn't come up behind her and tip her out of her chair.

"Kate, was there a reason you woke me up at this ungodly hour, on a weekend no less?"

"Yes, I actually have a great reason! We are going on a road trip! Alexis should be getting up soon too!" Kate said, and I glared at her over my cup of coffee. There was absolutely no reason to be this excited this early in the morning.

"Where exactly are we going? This weekend was supposed to be a lazy weekend! Your ruining my plans of binge watching my favorite tv shows. You know not to get between me and my favorite shows!" I whined, groaning at the thought of leaving the house. Once I had my mind set on something, I didn't want anything getting in the way of it, and I wanted to argue more but the look on Kate's face shut me up.

"You listen here Jacey! All you do is binge watch tv every weekend! I'm getting you out of the house and we are going to the beach to get some sun on your pale body! I am not taking no for an answer!" Kate gripped narrowing her brown eyes. I silently nodded my head, knowing better than to get on Kate's bad side. People are right when they say redheads are half devil, and it's not fun getting on their bad side.

Kate was a force to be reckoned with, and despite only knowing her for a year, she was definitely one of my best friends.

Once we got everything loaded in Kate's Jeep, we started the 2 hour drive to the Santa Monica  beach. I really wished she hadn't picked this beach because I know there was a certain someone that was always there. I know there's hardly a chance that I will see him, but with my luck he will probably be the first person we run into.

The thought of see Jesse again makes my heart ache. I haven't seen or spoken to him in two years. After he got drafted to the LA dodgers, a year after Danny died, he changed his number and I haven't heard a word from him since. Despite not hearing from him, I still kept tabs on him, hoping one day we would become friends again.

I was suddenly knocked out of my thoughts when Kate hit what felt like a pot hole the size of Texas.

"Holy shit Kate! We could've gone all the way to China with that pot hole! Are you even paying attention to what your doing?!" Alexis shouted, although it had no effect, Kate looked like she wasn't even listening, probably thinking about how she could kill the driver of the vehicle.

"I was trying to get that parking spot and I had to swerve to avoid hitting this Hollywood rich punk that pulled in right in front of me! I am going to give him a piece of my mind!" She swore and she was not kidding. As soon as she parked she shoved out the door and I couldn't help but have sympathy for that poor man. He was about to get the wrath of the devil.

Alexis and I jumped out and started unloading the car, not even paying her any mind. I loved Kate like a sister, but she had moments that even I worried about her. Whoever she would rope into marrying her would be in for a roller coaster ride.

"You idiot! Do you realize what could have happened! You better be glad I was paying attention or we could have crashed! I can't believe you could be such and idiot!" I turned wanting to watch this whole fiasco, sometimes it could be a show. I saw the back of a tall blonde who looked to be 6'2 and full of muscles. I could see Kate waving her hands around a dramatic way and figured I could help him out.

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